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I am looking for a small amp (literally) for my wifes van power a Koda 8" at 4 ohms. Looking to have roughly 200 RMS. Here are my choices so far

Arc Audio 2050 CXL

Planet Audio BB50.2

Anyones tried any of these series? I am leaning toward the Arc just because I have always wanted to try one, and I think they are one of the most beautiful amps out there.

Anyone have any other suggestions. Here are my specs

1. Must have a crossover (most do, just thought I would add that fact though)

2. Roughly 200 RMS into 4 ohms

3. Size restrictions

Length - 9.5"

Width - 8"

Height - 3"

If it wasn't for the damn size restrictions a lot of amps would work, but as always, I have to be difficult:)

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I had the 2050 before I got my 2100 - awesome amp, small, but a tank.

I was going to suggest taking a look at the MTX stuff, however I think their amps are just a little too large width wise. Same for the Phoenix Gold stuff. I remember a little blue Orion amp, forget the series, would have been perfect if the dimensions were good.

- Steve

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I did look at the Thunder 251 and the Thunder 311 from MTX. Their amps were just a tad too large to work well. It could fit, but it would not have looked good, just kind of thrown in there.

Thanks for the reply on the 2050. I was hoping to hear those kinds of stories.

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