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Do any of you guys follow the same routine over and over again when installing an amp?

In what order do you plug in the wires? Detail always helps.


1. Tear vehicle apart.

2. Run all wires.

3. Disconnect negative, then positive at battery.

4. Connect ground wire to amp.

5. Connect ground wire to frame.

6. Connect remote wire to amp.

7. Connect remote wire to HU.

8. Connect RCA to amp.

9. Connect RCA to HU.

10. Connect power wire to amp.

11. Connect negative to battery.

12. Connect positive amp wire and positive to battery.

13. Insert fuse.

Just trying to generate some action here.

- Steve

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no specific routine, but here is what it usually is for a sub amp.

1. tape RCA and remote wire together

2. take out deck

3. connect RCA and remote to deck and drop wires down through dash

4. get power wire through firewall (leave enough room in engine compartment)

5. then run all wires to back of vehicle

6. do amp ground

7. mount amp wherever, usually back of seat

8. connect all wires (power, ground, remote, RCA & speakers)

9. connect subs (leave enough room to get to the amp to tweak it

10. install fuseholder up front

11. connect to positive battery terminal

12. Test system

13. Button everything back up

That about covers it I think

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I always disconnect the negative post first so as not to drain the battery while I have the doors open. As for the positive, it stays attached. Then I first figure out where the amp will be placed and go from there really. That will determine what I need to fabricate, wire lengths, and what does or doesn't need to be torn apart. From then on, it's just normal installation in no particular order, then some testing and buttoning everything back up.

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I usually don't disconnect the negative battery terminal, I usually just flip off the dimmer switch, if it has none, I will pop it off though.

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i'm lazy...i don't disconnect until it's time to hook up the fuse. i can usually wire one on in about an hour, unless seats come out.

could be why i pop a fuse every now and again, eh? lmao..

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Okay I make my firewall hole and run the power wire, run the rca's and remote wire's, run wire to distro block, ground wire to chassis, connect rca's and wires, mount amp, install fuse holder under hood, put fuse in distro block, turn on HU and see how she works, and tweak amp, then tweat hu to create balance in stagng.


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So the general concensus (I probably butchered that word) is ...

Disconnect negative from battery.

Connect all of the wires to the amp and head unit, including ground to chassis.

Take positive, install fuseholder, connect it to the positive, put in the fuse, connect ground. Or do you do it vice versa, connect negative then put the fuse in?

Fire 'er up.

- Steve

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when installing an amp i usually unhook the negative from the battery, hook the power wire up without the fuse and run it to the back, then hook up the rca's and remote wire to hte head unit and run them to the back, then mount the amp and hook up the pos., ground, and remote in whatever order i grab them, then hook up the speaker wire, then hook the negative battery terminal up and pop the fuse back in the power wire.

on my car, when im running a power wire, i run it from the interior into the engine bay, then attatch the fuse holder and ring terminal, and hook it up to the battery. id never do this on someone elses car, but im afraid my eclipse deck will go into the FFFFFFFFFF lockup again and ill be deckless for a few weeks again. when im working on my system, i just pull the main fuse.

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1. Run all wires.

2. Disconnect negative from battery.

3. Connect amp ground to chassis.

4. Connect amp ground to amp.

5. Connect RCA to head unit.

6. Connect remote wire to head unit.

7. Connect RCA to amp.

8. Connect remote wire to amp.

9. Connect speaker wires to amp.

10. Connect power wire to amp.

11. Install fuseholder on power wire + crimp ring.

12. Disconnect positive battery cable, connect power wire to battery, re-connect positive battery cable.

13. Re-connect negative battery cable.

14. Insert fuse.

*Just my reference for when I get home from work, can't access my e-mail at work right now.

- Steve

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