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port equation needs clarification..

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FYI: use this in the future for port length:

Fb= tuning freq.

Lv= vent length

R= inside radius of vent (for slot/square vent use: sq. rt. of A/Pi to find R. A= vent area.)

Vb= box volume in sq. inches

Lv = [(1.463 x 10^7 x R^2) / (Fb^2 x Vb)] - 1.463 x R

I have used this formula a lot and it's correct.

the vb part is the part that needs clearing up....

Vb= net internal volume of the box, correct?

if that is the case, how is it written into the formula as square inches?

bigger_george is building an enclosure for his rl-p 15's and needs to be able to calculate port length...however, he needs to plug in the Vb and he's trying to use square inches...

here's the thread <-----click this link...

so, which is right? i say Vb is supposed to be in cubic not square inches correct?

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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