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i hear this thing has great sq... but i'm cuious of its spl also.

i'm deciding on new subs now...

i'm looking at the magnums, sx or se.

i'm trying to save a little money. also...

they aren't going for competiton or anything.

i'm hoping to spend less than 900 on subs and amps... hoping.

but sq is important to me... i'm stepping up from 2 12w3

i want to keep the sq.. but add alot more loud

sticking with 12 inch... i'm hopefully getting a 97-99 gsx in spring... and i don't believe the trunk will be big enough for a 15...

i'd like to go 2 12s just because i like the look of 2 :unsure:

i'm hearing that one xxx or brahma would be just as good as 2 se.

any input... i'm open to suggestions.

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while ur hear, check out the soundsplinter forum..

also check out www.soundsplinter.com

look at the rl-i's and p's....great subs at great prices.

mike is here quite often and u can email him at [email protected] he'll answer all ur uestions quickly and completely.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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i thought alot more people would have an opinion on this :\

i need some help deciding...

i want to whoa myself and any body in my car... even the people that i pass or live up the street from ya know?

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i would go wt the xxx, then the sx, then the se. But then again prces do change, big time. So yes, the se will get loud along wt the rest of the stuff i listed.

THing is they wt the RE line its like the cheaper the sub the less watts you need to get loud, sorta kinda, i would just buy an SX and call it a day. But i'm gettin an 18in xxx. i been sayin that for a year now but i'm still gettin it.

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Might want to look into Incriminator audio. There LI's are awesome subs. Compared to the SE's. I know my LI is about equal to a kicker 12L7. Very awesome sub, has great SQ and gets hella loud!!!



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