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Anyone have knowledge about ED SPv.2's?

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I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the Elemental Designs 15" SPv.2's. I'm unsure of what box to put it in. I have it slapped in an old box and it's about 3.05cf@32hz with 36sq inch slot. On icix I've heard anywhere between 3-6cf and anywhere between 22 and 40hz. The only specs I know is the RMS is 1200w and it has 28mm xmax. Think the FS is 26hz? It uses a TC9 motor and standard 12 spoke basket. I contacted ED and they told me they never released the T/S for the sub, and that's some BS! I'm looking for some LSQ, hit hard around 30hz and not sound out of beat on rock, but loud on rap. I was recommended 50-55sq inch port, but that seems as if it would be too sloppy. Don't know what to do so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Sell it on ICIX and buy a sub from a reputable manufacturer.

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