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sundown SAX100.4 2 ohm bridged stable?

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i am gettin alot of question lately about this, and it seems to put off alot of people that ask for a passive set up front and a 2 ohm subwoofer.

and they been asking me if i can check for the SAX100.4 for 2 ohm bridged ability.

can anyone test this? i only tried for a few mins on a low power subwoofer , without any special faults.

no excessive heat, no protection, no audible distortion,

i was wondering if anyone could bench the 100.4 @ 2 ohm bridge usability.

it could be great to find out that it can do this:)



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I tested it. The amp lasted for about 4 months and blew the power supply for those channels.

I can't guarantee long term reliability.

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On that note... the newer SAX-100.4s *might* be okay with a responsible gain setting.

The one I tested failed when temperature changed in the summer, and was an "old" heat-sink style SAX-100.4 unit.

The new 100.4s have a beefier heat-sink and 70 amp FETs vs. 50 amp FETs for the older amps.

I still am very hesitant to suggest these, but it may do okay with a higher DCR "2 ohm" load.

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Hello Jacob :)

thanks for the answers,

4 months you say, ill take this to notice.

me and a friend were just goofin around with this idea, because the 4 chan amps around here get some serious competition from the likes of audiosystem and other 2 ohm bridge stable amps.

but still we prove the sundowns to be a better sounding amps.

the imaging on the is stable , and no audible distortion is heard on high volumes.

these amps are satisfying like 800\900$ amps we tested here , and we are pleased

people are just stuck on more familiar brands, that drives me crazy:(

thanks Jacon


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