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What is the difference between a kicker zx.1500, saz-1500d, and a rockford fosgate T1500-1bd?

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I honestly wouldn't be able to tell you anything about the amps themselves as I have never used them. Outside of value, cost, a performance I'd say the most noticeable difference is that with the sundown you can contact the owner of the company directly on this forum and get a response very quickly. I have only bought subs from Jacob but he seems to be a great guy and nothing but great things are said about him. Every question I have ever had, he took car of it. I'm sure with sundown you would get more personalized customer service.

I'm sure the amps all perform well with some of them being a better value than the others. What probably sets them apart the most is not the product but the people behind the product.

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What is the difference between a kicker zx.1500, saz-1500d, and a rockford fosgate T1500-1bd?

Price and Power and Effieciency. The fosgate is the highest priced but on a birth sheet will put out the most power. The Fosgate and the Sundown are more efficient than the kicker, Sundown being a little more efficient. All three will sound good and provide the power they are rated at and then some. Personally I think the sundown is the best value. Just my opinion.

Edited by sonic

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I forgot to mention that the Sundown can run off 16 volt, giving more power output. I am not sure but I think the Fosgate can do that also.

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IMO the customer service of Sundown is bar-none the best I've ever dealt with for any company. SSA is a close second ;) Honestly though, all three are going to do what you want them to do. I'm a Sundown fanboy now so I am a bit bias if it comes between those three. Then again...my cost on a zx1500.1 at Circuit City almost makes it worth going to the Kicker....

Edited by Big E

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I think I was going to go with a used sundown from the forum. The sub choice is still up in the air.

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For most needs, in that power range, those three are very good. I am also biased towards the Sundown.

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