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Fusion remote bass control

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I really hope somebody out there can help me. I have a Fusion amp(FP-1000) I also have a remote bass control for the amp. Which is a little box that goes up front with you, giving you the feature to be able to control the gain on the amp. It is connected to the amp by a telephone like plug and cord. Here is the picture of it. http://www.fusioncaraudio.com/products.php...p;product_id=97 I am not sure if they let you post links on here, sorry if you can't see or read the link. I went back to the shop that installed the audio setup in my car. He feels really bad for the bass control that I have now stopped working. He contacted Fusion to get me a new one which fusion says they no longer carry them. Then I don't know why theyy still have them on their web site. Anyway he had another remote bass control from another make of amps. It also had a telephone like cord and plug just like mine, but the plug is just slightly bigger then. I can find a few other brand of amplifier companys that have remote bass controls but I am afraid to purchase one just to find out that it won't fit either to big or to little. I looked from one end of the internet to find a fusion f-bass remote bass control and came up empty handed. Can some of you guys please help me out. Thanks a million

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