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Subwoofer choices

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hey guys! Here's the dealio. I currently run an 18" BL tuned to 35Hz and am looking to upgrade. Its in a tiny tiny box, (maybe 5 cubes) and I know I need more space, but i cant make anymore in my trunk so I'm switchign it out!

Here's what i have to work with.

Sundown 1500D for my amp

around 4.5 cubes, maybe upto 5 max if I need it

biggest sub size i can fit in there is a 15"

I don't really have a budget...maybe $400 max for the sub(s).

Goals for this are to have a little bit more lower end output (will be tuning to around 32Hz for new box)

What are some good sub reccomendations??

I've been looking along the lines of...SSA Icon, Fi BL(15"), Sundown Nightshade( possibly...but I was hoping to see a review on this one first)

what are some other ones or reccomendations?? I was hoping to get some good output and either same SPL as the BL or better.

lemme know if this helps!

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Just get your BL reconed to a 15"

Put it in a 4 cu ft box tuned to 32Hz with plenty of port area and call it a good day. :)

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yea. Thats kind of been the idea that I've been going with. And I'm thinking it'll even end up being louder with a better sound due to a lower tuning, more box size, and of course, more power. Problem with the reconing is that my sub right now is a D1 and I need a D2 so i'd have to practically get a whole new sub.

but for now i think i'll just sell my 18" and buy a 15". I think it was just the inner me that wanted to try something new, but I may as well stick with what works for me!

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