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build log, but different

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but it's what i do. for work, lol. it's the start of a set of simple channel letters. these will be LED lit, on a raceway with a different font set of letters that are neon lit. i'll add pics as the process moves along. supposed to be done tomorrow, lmao. yeah. that's going to happen!!

these are cell phone pics, so don't judge too hastly..lol





how it all starts. a pattern, a piece of .090 aluminum for backing, and 5" wide strips of .063 alum for returns (or the sides)


look closely, that red line? it's the carbon paper tracing i did of the pattern onto the alum.


a few bends gets you this


a few more bends gets you that.....

to be continued.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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part II


uh oh...it's tacked and starting to look like something. that B is just three pieces. those bends are fun!!


some return material marked for......



the finger brake. that's the start of...



my O face??? no, i got...



that's two of the 4 letters that have to be built for this particular set of letters. i'll take photos of the completed Y and S tomorrow. they still have to be routed out and painted, and a trim cap made for each one. again, more detail later.


trim cap being put together by barry for a different set of letters. he can have that job!!!

to be continued..

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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how about some random shop pics???



vacuum tank (capable of 30 psi of vacuum, dunno if that's alot, but the tank is big, lol) and the plastic oven/vacuum table (in foreground, see hose) that is used to form faces for signs.


panel saw anyone?? that white plastic face is 7'x12' to give you an idea of size. 15' is the max. that roll of plastic? 9' long.


a pair of dewalt radial arm saws. the one in the foreground is an 18" version IIRC. i'll have to put a tape to it, lol. the rear one is 12". the front one has a cutting range of 24", the rear one is about 18". these are used to cut the aluminum extrusion we use to build some of the cabinets done.


you can see our 10' pneumatic shear and our 10' brake in this photo over the top of a frame i'm currently building for a flex face (big piece of sturdy canvas type material) sign, 97" x 220". that's 2x2x1/4" angle.


yep, teh shear, the brake and our paintbooth that even jim's van will fit in without a problem, lol. it's ~25' and just over half as tall.

that's it for now. there is still the wood shop, but all it has is a standard 10" tablesaw with a huge work table. the graphics department, but it's tiny and the girl is ugly (even with ryan2's eyesight, lol) and some other little tools. we have three esab wire feed welders. two set up to switch between spool and stinger, alum and steel and one set up for just steel. we also have a miller tig, but we don't use it. also a 4' shear, powered by your legs. it's a decent setup. i'll add more as we build stuff worth posting.

hope you enjoyed the build log, lol. so far.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Damn I wish we were closer lol . I could use your talents here shortly. I would give my right nut, hell maybe even the left one for a vacuum table that size :)

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Ohhhhh, like the shop. :)

Sign company?

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that's freakin' awesome Kent :)

I wish I had a shop like that to play around in

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Ohhhhh, like the shop. :)

Sign company?


coast to coast signs. shop is cool, could be better, lol.

thanks tom, though awesome is probably a bit much. maybe friggin' above average?? lol

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Damn I wish we were closer lol . I could use your talents here shortly. I would give my right nut, hell maybe even the left one for a vacuum table that size :)

nuts not needed sir, lol. i have a key to the shop, we could just use it after hours. save those nuts for something else.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Ohhhhh, like the shop. :)

Sign company?


coast to coast signs. shop is cool, could be better, lol.

thanks tom, though awesome is probably a bit much. maybe friggin' above average?? lol

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

anywhere where you can go play with/form/build metal is way cool in my book ^_^

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Nuts ................vacuum table........................hmmmmmm.........:)

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Nuts ................vacuum table........................hmmmmmm.........:)

oh hell no!! not on this table, lol.....

you'd be more man then me to try. less man then me after, lol....

it's fun doing stuff like this. i get frustrated if it isn't perfect, then i remind myself most people will see the end result 20' in the air, 50' away from it at 35mph on average. so perfection isn't needed, lol. but pride is a bitch.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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it's fun doing stuff like this. i get frustrated if it isn't perfect, then i remind myself most people will see the end result 20' in the air, 50' away from it at 35mph on average. so perfection isn't needed, lol. but pride is a bitch.

Same problem here.

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radial arm saws scare me for some reason... I just always picture chopping my hand off without even realizing it until afterwards! lol

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radial arm saws scare me for some reason... I just always picture chopping my hand off without even realizing it until afterwards! lol

the big one, is hand crank moved. arm no where near blade. reason for the big shield? sometimes it'll throw stuff.....hard, lol!! i'll try and get some pics of the ceiling......

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Sweet. Can't wait to see the finished product :)

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Very impressive work !

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the Y and S tacked together, and the whole set routed out. while maybe not a big thing, each letter is a single piece of return material ( save teh B and O, but the additional pieces are the centers. the outside is a single piece on them). bending the Y in a single piece was fun, can you guess the starting point? for an e-cookie, lol. my first set of letters in ~ 5years.


the backsides. prepped and ready for....





the red plastic that will become the faces. they are vhb taped on, drilled with a uni bit for the centers to get routed, and routed out. end result? a slightly larger plastic twin!

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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here's a in process routering of the faces. using a 1/8th larger then the bit bearing, we get the needed clearance for the face/trimcap to fit over the letter. also, our router table and the mess it makes and the plunger router which will live it's life forever upside down, lol. can you guess the brand?? anotehr e-cookie up for grabs!!


where the BOYS will soon be living. see the B without the face? the C from scrap will soon be there and SRAP will be gone to make room for BOYS.


SRAPB on my table, C in front of OOKIN", to make COOKIN'. isn't wired up yet, need to run one more piece of gto from teh 12000volt transformer to the ignitor on the C. then wait for BOYS to be painted, insert LED and transformer, and tada! kountry boys cookin' will be done!! (kountry already done from yet another different set of letters, going for a red neck look)

more later.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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way cool :fing34:

and starting point is that sharp angle between the 2 upper parts?

and router is that brand Jim told us about from Germany? can't remember the name now

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Festool :)

Other than Hitachi they're the only green tools I know :P

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tom, you get the cookie for the Y. it is indeed the sharp junction that makes the Y a Y. <-- heh, spells yay.

jim, i'll give you half a e-cookie. it is an hitachi router, not a festool. but since you mentioned it, you win!

can you spot the ghost? (i just saw it myself)

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Nice shop and of course nice work since you are doing it. Looks really neat. Probably fab up some pieces in there for your truck if there is some downtime.

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can you spot the ghost? (i just saw it myself)

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

You mean your reflection in the "B?"

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damn ryan1, you on top of things, lol!

ok, i'm out of e cookies.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Nice shop and of course nice work since you are doing it. Looks really neat. Probably fab up some pieces in there for your truck if there is some downtime.

truck? lol, the truck gave it's life for a mini cooper. unless you meant the trailblazer. in that cse, it might be forgoing living with us for a new silverado to move in, lol. i really, really, really miss my truck. and some stupid old man owns it now and drives it at 35mph everywhere!! left the flame grille in and everything, and it don't even see dirt/mud anymore!

oh well. gotta move on, lol.

and thanks

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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