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Need box design help to BEAT

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I recently totaled my car, so I'm selling the system to my cousin. He has an Explorer and where they're from, loud is the only thing that matters. Anyway, he's been entering in comps with two JL 12w6 on a old punch 500(or somethin like that, not sure the model). I have two FI Q 12 with Bp power I'm selling him, along with a Rockford Fosgate T20001BD.

Size is not really a problem...he has the entire back of the explorer to fill if necessary. I'm just looking for a big box or whatever will get the job done to throw up big numbers and still sound decent. He said he put up like a 141 Outlaw with the JL's. If that's right, gotta put that to shame to show everybody whats up with Fi.

Anyway, some design ideas/dimensions would greatly be appreciated. I'm sure someone has ran two 12 q's before on here..and if not someone likely knows a good design. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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If you are simply looking for numbers... If memory serves me (and it usually doesnt considering the glue fumes from building speakers) 4.5 cuft subs up and ports back tuned to 43 using (2) 6" aeroports 14" long fitted outside the box terminating about 4" from the back hatch yields solid numbers for Street B applications. Been a while though since I have messed with that application.

Or take a slight deviation from this one with the same basic setup but using (6) 4" aeroports run full length, 5 cuft with the same tuning... then blocking off 2 ports (leaving 4 open) you will drop your tuning down to about 35 Hz for a little better daily setup. Running common chamber with 3 ports open will yield 31 Hz tuning and a solid bottom end response. About the limit is 3 open ports.



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Thanks alot Scott. I have nothing but good things to say about you and the way you do business. I'll send as many customers your way as I can.

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