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box help for 4 12" BLs, maybe

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Ok guys. The time is coming up fast to kick off my build. However, I had a few last minute worries (still designing a box) and was curious. I am still debating if I wanna build a box so I can slide it between the wheel wells for real quick sub "fixes" if I must, but am still not sure, what do you think? I want to compete in SPL comps, so I wanna make sure I do this right, lol. How much of a difference would I notice if I went with 2 15" BTLs over 4 12" BLs? With 2 15's the box would just be soooo much easier to design, and I think I am worried about fudging something with the 4 12's. sigh, I need a little help plz, guidance, anything.

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What vehicle? What box size?

What amp(s)?

(4) 12's is more cone area, but with enough power, I think the 15's would have more potential.


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Box has yet to be made, regardless it will be the optimal enclosure according to the Fi specs. Amps, I was thinking 2 sundown 3k's. It is gonna be in a blowthrough in a 08 Ford F-150 quadcab (would take out back seat, but planning for a kid soon), so gonna do a good old blowthrough with a tonnaeu cover.

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What class are you looking to compete in? Decide that, that will decide the # of woofers you can use (at least in dB drag.

After that you are going to want to use aero-ports, and build the box to the specs. From there you will be adding stuff to the inside of the enclosure to determine the most efficient volume for the woofers. You will want to use aero ports to be able to re-tune your box after you find the enclosure volume you are going to use.

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aero ports huh? Never even seen them, lol, but I do know what they look like. How can you retune your box with them? Is there length adjustable or something? I know I know, I am a noob, lol. I will have to give some more thought as to what class I wanna compete in, I think I would have a better chance with only 2 subs as opposed to running 4.

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