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tears in my spider... do i need a recone?

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got like two tears in the spider like a half inch maybe less long. running 2 1500.D's do i need a recone kit? if so how much are they?

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where are the tears at, in the middle? If they're on the edge like maybe it just came unglued from the basket you could probably just reglue them down. If they are in the middle you probably will need one eventually because they'll probably get worse and widen.

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And figure out what's either wrong with the enclosure or how much power you're sending them...because something is not right with the install when you're damaging spiders :)

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i bought it used, and was going to buy one anyway, i havent used the sub yet, but i have a chambered t-line built for it by rich(stratusrt01). how much do they run.

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Do you have the 'fully loaded' one?

If so that recone is $105 plus shipping to where ever you are.



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There are multiple spiders on the BTLs... Im one for running them until they break or have major issues before reconing them. Tears in the spiders (1 out 5 layers) isnt going to be an issue. Id save my $$$ :)



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