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ShiZZZoN's Build Log

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ok, monday night, i'm almost done with the bass part of the install.

My fuse holders took me....practically ALL day to get them finished.

I had to fight with this one that was really pissin me off because i have just enough room for everything.

It's ridiculous how much space i don't have.

But, CAD is my hero, i've probably said that once before.

Once i installed the batteries that actually came last friday, i had 1\8" clearance to fit the batts, that's how pressed for space i am!

All i got left to do is run all the remote turn on lines for the amps, then run power and fuse my 4 channel amp.

I'm kinda holdin out and waitin to do the 4 channel because i need to work on replacin the stock speakers.

It's suppose to rain for the next 3 days here but hopefully i can get them replaced.

I get to call UPS tomorrow... to see where my batt is! Can't start the setup without all the batts installed.

If it got stolen or lost... i'm going to have a big problem with a delay.

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NEW UPDATE, finally some good news!

UPS said they found the battery and will be delivered today, YEA!!!!!!

Also, Everything that consisted of wiring and installation for the AQ amps and subs are completed with the exception of grounding everything.

Because i am waiting on the last battery, all the ground leads are still not ran yet but that doesn't take long.

I am currently trying to work on getting the factory speakers replaced but i am missing my jigsaw because someone else has it right now...

Hopefully i get it back today.

So... sometime today, i should get this setup performing.

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Ok, got my batt in. I've been workin pretty much all day...

I am STILL ALMOST done with the bass area yet again.

1 freaking battery terminal took just over 2hrs to install.

A word of advice, if you do not have patience, do not buy KnukonceptZ Konfused terminals and put their Kolossus 1/0 cable in there.

I have had nothing but trouble with that damn terminal.

So, yet again, tomorrow, all i gotta do with the bass area is run the ground from both AQ amps and ground my battery solenoids and parallel all ground terminals on batts.

That's it!

Then of course spray out the entire area so nothing it loose back there and start tuning the amps.

I'll try to get some progress goin for install the Image Dynamics but i can't promise anything.

Oh, i'll be takin pics once everything is grounded.


Edited by shizzzon

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i wanna be there when this thing is in action but my car just fudgeed up on me.

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Another delay.

I can't say what happened because i do not know, all i kow is that there is gonna be about a 2week delay minimum on this project.

One of the amps just went up in smoke due to a possible signal problem.

I can't say anything further until i hear something after they receive the amps.

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Ok guys, here i go-

I'm sick right now so being bored just sittin around.

I was playin the Wii but started to get a headache after grenades starting killin me, hehe.

Anyways, as u all may know, one of the 2 amps is not going to be in the install for a short while so i am curious to see what i am doing spl-wise in this pure daily driver right now.

I have 1 AQ2200D, stock alt, 3 Powermaster batts and 2 AQ HDC312s.

Both subs are wired down to 1.4 ohms to a single 2,200w amp.

amp is rated to do 2200w at a real 1 ohm load.

This is what i am going to do-

I don't feel like spending eternity out there getting every little detail out of this install as this will not be permanent anyway.

I'm going to find a few frequencies that play the loudest and measure the spl AT THE HEADREST with LEGAL and OUTLAW measurements.

After i get the loudest note, i am not going to recharge the batts or let the sub coil at all.

I'm gonna go back there and measure the wattage output and impedance rise on this single note then i'll be done.

IT's hella loud on the inside but oh so peaceful on the outside. Legally speaking, that's how it should be so you can enjoy your music anytime of the day.

I'm goin out there now.

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alright i'm back!

Here are results-

2 AQ HDC312s wired at 1.4 ohm off of a single AQ2200D.

Max frequency - 34hz.

Measured at driver's headrest.

Everything sealed and rolled up - 131.64

Window rolled down - 137.47

Output -



Impedance Rise - 5.39 ohms

Watts - 408w


Remember, this is measured at the headrest, not the kick or the dash.

I still havent measured at my peak Fs which varies between 47-49hz. However at low volume, 34hz was louder, which is weird.

This is not the Tlab mic, but something a little stricter.

If someone can meet me who has a Tlab mic in Louisville, KY, the score will be higher.

Oh, i did not feed it into clipping either.

This is underclipped so power output would be a lot higher as well as spl. This is purely safe output.

Amp is rated to do 740w clean power @4ohms and at 14.4v

I did 408w at 5.39 ohms at 13.2v

Sounds on par to me.

When i get my other amp in, i'll measure impedance rise over the entire playable frequency range so i can see how much power this thing really is pullin because as of right now, it's not pullin hardly anything.

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alright i'm back!

Here are results-

2 AQ HDC312s wired at 1.4 ohm off of a single AQ2200D.

Max frequency - 34hz.

Measured at driver's headrest.

Everything sealed and rolled up - 131.64

Window rolled down - 137.47

Output -



Impedance Rise - 5.39 ohms

Watts - 408w


Remember, this is measured at the headrest, not the kick or the dash.

I still havent measured at my peak Fs which varies between 47-49hz. However at low volume, 34hz was louder, which is weird.

This is not the Tlab mic, but something a little stricter.

If someone can meet me who has a Tlab mic in Louisville, KY, the score will be higher.

Oh, i did not feed it into clipping either.

This is underclipped so power output would be a lot higher as well as spl. This is purely safe output.

Amp is rated to do 740w clean power @4ohms and at 14.4v

I did 408w at 5.39 ohms at 13.2v

Sounds on par to me.

When i get my other amp in, i'll measure impedance rise over the entire playable frequency range so i can see how much power this thing really is pullin because as of right now, it's not pullin hardly anything.

damn that sucks! So overall what do you think of the amp?

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i sent the amp into clipping and was able to get a 139.26 at the kick @49hz and a 139.11 @34hz.

It appears i have 2 peaks in my car.

And again, this is not the tlab mic so scores here are lower that a tlab. I do not know by how much though because i have nothing to compare too.

The amp itself, i like it. IT appears to completely do rated power.

I have high rise evidently but power doesnt mean louder...

I should have the other amp in hopefully by this friday but that also depends on me too.

The company who made this sensor said that when the tlab reads a 179, their sensor barely broke a 170 so i do not know how close they compare at lower levels.

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Jesus!, there are so many build logs now, i almost had to go to page 2 just to reply to mine, lol

Well, i should know why the other amp went up in smoke tomorrow so i'll post here when i know somethin.

Also, i just got done installin the image dynamics CX62s in the rear.

I haven't done extensive tuning yet because i am missing my other bass amp but for the time being, i got them bandpassed between 80-400hz.

I was playin several songs and i still couldn't even tell they were back there.

The intended purpose was just so they could pick up the midbass range mostly.

I couldnt hear them at all.

So i just played them by them self and the midbass output was really crap to be honest.

So.... it appears i MUST house them inside of an enclosure for them to be audibly responsive.

So, i'm gonna do some foolin around in the middle of the week and see what i can come up with so i can actually use these babies.

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i listened to this man's setup. it sounds amazing. it will be crazy when the other amp gets here. shizzon's mixes are awesome as well. hook me up with some of those tracks, well all of those tracks. :) o and the zohan is funny as hell.

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no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

Is that a waterboat?

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mariah carey was in it. i was expecting her after i saw his shirt like half the time he was on screen.

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Watch out, the Neosporin is deadly!

Oh, come closer, her other shoulder is cold.... come, come closer.

Man i love this movie.

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Back on this topic.

They have received the amp so it's out of my hands now.

As of 6-12-08, they have started inspecting it so i won't have the amp by this week obviously, cross my fingers for next week, maybe?

I'll post what the result of failure is too when i am notified about it.

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Hehe, well, ironically, just a few minutes later, the results came in...

All along as we suspected, the input signal was "wild" i guess i could put it.

No one will know exactly what caused the signal to go wacko but when everything was first installed, no audible signal was present at a pretty substantial volume level.

After running it like that for a while, one of the amps eventually just gave out due to a hellacious dirty signal.

The problem has been corrected since then and the amp will be here sometime next week.

I will do some precautious monitoring when i go to daisy chain them back up to ensure my other daisy chainn signal cables aren't part of the problem either before i finalize the install process this time.

Don't want this to happen again obviously.

So, while there is time, i MUST get my front stage replaced ASAP before the amp gets here or i won't be able to hear anything but bass, hehe.

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Well, i replaced my factory front stage with ID CXS65CS's ran off of a sundown 100.4 on the front 2 channels and i would have that it would have gotten a little louder but it didnt get any louder.... The sound just got a lot cleaner. No audible distortion, which of course is good, just not what i expected. I have a feeling that i am going to need to do some heavy ass modifying soon but i'll get to that later.

MY other amp came in today. I'm about to go out there and install it and hopefully don't mess this up this time.

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sooo when did u get all this???

2007 Scion tC

16 Audioque HDC3 12s

32 Audioque AQ3500ds

14 Powermaster XS D3100s

Alpine F1 Status HU

8 sets of 6.5" ID Components.

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I was waiting for someone to catch that, man, i've had that in my sig for a while now.

The car can't possibly fit all that and be decent to drive, hehe.

I am still waiting for my amps to come back from repair....

I was told they shipped out LAST FRIDAY!... when in fact, they are shipping out tomorrow.. a whole week off?!?! Somebody doesn't have it together over there, that's for sure. either that or someone isn't paying attention.

Oh besides, the AQ3500ds won't be out til August, hehe.

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yeah.. i didnt see it until right now.. and i was like that the Fu8k.. shizzon is talking that shit!

i even seached all your topics to see if i missed somthing!

im glad you fessed up cause i was gonna call bullshit.

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hmm, now i think i'm regrettin on fessin up , lol

No, but seriously, if i owned a truck with extended cab... i'd fill the SOB up, quick!

I've already researched a little bit about settin up extended cab trucks up for stereo system purposes just in case i ever got a truck. And this research has been recent to.. What else am i suppose to do when i'm waitin on amps to work for the past month...

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Sad to see you're waiting so much for the repairs :(

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shizzon post a pic of the box in the scion...

shit i may call you on friday july 18th if you ok with that i got a few questions about the deadener (just got my damplifier order in from anthony).. and a question on your box design since i drew mine up in autocad (i'm a detailer for HVAC) I drew mines up sub up port up...


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