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Decisions for next setup

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Well im currently in the process of re-doing my current setup for either 4 BL 15's or 4 BL 12's.... whats everyones opinions on this... I'm open to all suggestions

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What's the rest of the setup? I just see subwoofers mentioned....

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what do you mean the rest? I'm just switching my BTL's out for that.. the rest im keeping...all electrical and amps, etc.... is in my signature

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I am curious as well. Pretty hard to recommend something without knowing what you don't like about what you have.

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I like my current setup because its loud...but im wanting to move more air, and as far as SQ and SPL goes i could really careless about because theres no comps near me neither. i just like my stuff to be ungodly loud and thats the way my boxes are designed by Pete Kulicki.. he knows i like them to be as loud as possible.. and i was thinking that 4 15's or 12's of the BL's would be pretty nice for my power and to do a 4th or 6th order bandpass in my cut-through would look pretty sweet

Edited by Thumper

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If you have room, and you want loud, seems like the choice is obvious between 12's and 15's. . .

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That it is my friend.. its between 4 12's or 4 15's and i have 23cubic feet to use up so room isn't a problem

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That it is my friend.. its between 4 12's or 4 15's and i have 23cubic feet to use up so room isn't a problem

I guess the next logical question is what frequency do you wanna be loud at? And with 23 cubic feet why not just do 4 18" woofers. It leaves you 7.25 cubic feet (gross volume would be my guess per woofer) so a little under 6 cubic feet per woofer.

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well its in my cut-through so i cant go no higher than 17.75" tall on the cut-through, so 18's are already out of the question.. and as far as what frequency i want to be loud at i really dont know that much hence it is a daily setup and i play all kinds of music...but whatever tone will move a tone of air to take your breath away...which i assume 28cycles could do that

Edited by Thumper

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28 cycles is pretty low for just being loud.

17.75" is easily tall enough to slant some 18's

4th order won't do what you are looking for

Why not add more power as well and do the BTL's?

When you say you don't care about being loud but you want to move more air, what do you mean??

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Nevermind people... you will see what I'm talking about next week when i get my 4 15's and box built... oh and by the way slanting 18's i was told by Pete Kulicki, the best box designer i know, that slanting subs will affect the output ratio in acompatance to a sub that can be parallel or horizontal

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I say do 4-BL 15s in a isobaric enclosure like Chicken's EXT is that Meade did. Its not exactly a isobaric but similar

Edited by SKEEMASK

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Well i dont know exactly what Pete(Hexibase) is designing me right now but you will see soon and its going to be crazy

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Well everyone. Here is the much anticipated design... this is what Pete had to say about it

"Well then... Here it is: A quad-chamber 4th order bandpass. What's there to say - it will slam; predominantly from 30Hz to 60Hz with strong emphasis around 40Hz. Your overall effective in-cabin response is 27Hz to 80Hz with full 90dB @ 1m/1W efficiency. Now you can further your work log thread :D Pete"



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Funny, Pete told you not to slant subs, and then they are slanted in his design. . .hmmm.

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I said the same thing...After I colaborated the responses I wanted, he said to get the desired numbers he has to slant them slightly

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So theres a seperate chamber infront of the tunnels and rear chambers?

Looks like a 6th order BP to me.

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the 2 middle chambers are sealed.. which is where the magnets on the subs will be... the 2 front chambers are ported

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4th order BP then. Whats the volume on the rear and front chambers?

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I wouldn't do that if i were you...

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I have never liked BP designs for daily use...

How are you gonna get the subs out or what if something simple happened inside and needed a fix... there goes the box.

Also, that box looks way to complicated for it's purpose.

I still don't see an acceptable reason for slanting the subs baffle when he supposedly clearly said it is not a good idea.

Maybe this design isnt a good idea?

I can see you just runnin a flat wall from left to right or it won't fit, do a tunnel design like Meade did. He isn't the only one who has done that either.

I remember seeing one truck with 8 12" XXXs in it like that, all in the bed of course.

You can easily get to your subs if need be too.

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I wouldn't do that if i were you...

I think what he's ^^^^^^^^ talking about is, the subs you've decided to run in the said enclosure are designed for ported arrangements and you're ging to house them in a sealed type which they are'nt suited for sealed. If you're set on this design, I would recomend the ''Q'' series.

NDMstang65......correct me if I'm wrong

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