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12 SSD Copper Coil

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hey guys... i am trying to find out the T/S Parameters of the Copper Coil Option. i was looking at the Fi site and thought it was weird that the BL rating was so low when compared to so many other drivers. would a very low BL rating not be ideal for Porting? i was considering doing a PR or Porting the box, but i was told by the guys at AE Speakers that a low BL # leads him to believe that it is not a good candidate for porting or a PR. does anyone have decent experience in porting the copper coil SSD and what results have you had?

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well idk about pr's and ts's lol. i have two ssd 12's with copper option in a ported box with about 600 watts apiece and they absolutely slam, the lows are ridiculous. the setup actually hurts when i crank it. people get so caught up in numbers they forget to just listen, besides there is a sticky that tells you what type of enclosures to use. it lists all the numbers you can handle.

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I'm not sure about the numbers, but the Copper Coil option is supposed to increase your SQ a bit with a loss of thermal power handling, where the Flatwind will increase thermal power handling, while decreasing SQ. The SSDs are pretty sensitive drivers and don't need a lot of power to slam.

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well idk about pr's and ts's lol. i have two ssd 12's with copper option in a ported box with about 600 watts apiece and they absolutely slam, the lows are ridiculous. the setup actually hurts when i crank it. people get so caught up in numbers they forget to just listen, besides there is a sticky that tells you what type of enclosures to use. it lists all the numbers you can handle.

i hear what you are saying, but to do a PR ( or to port really ) properly you need the numbers. i cannot imagine that when scott was designing the SSD that he threw all the numbers out the door and said, " screw it i will just slap stuff together until it sounds good ". its the understanding of all these numbers and knowing how and when to manipulate them and in what direction so that the end result is enjoyable. it is not fair to generalize and say that your end result is what i should be happy with. i did in fact read the sticky. did you see anywhere on that sticky anything about PRs or the amount of mass that should be loaded on to that PR?

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i read the sticky for something else those other parameters don't concern me, maybe in a competition but being an average ...nah. i didn't mean to imply that scott and nick just threw out numbers to make us go ooohhh and ahhh either. what i meant is you really dont have to overthink with these woofers, unless you are trying to compete and squeeze every last tenths you can get. they put the ported and sealed numbers up there with care. remember this company has a lot too lose by false numbers. otherwise, they would've been labeled junk already. these woofers are very rugged and sound good. i had them in a too small prefab box and they sounded pretty damn nice. then i built a box to the minimum specs of 1.9 cu per woofer tuned to 33hz and they absolutely kick ass. like i said before if you are competing then i guess it would matter but if you aren't then go with it, build a box to thier recommended specs, and let the woofers speak for themselves, and don't sweat the little things :neil:

Edited by benz280se

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well until Scott gets back i am stuck waiting for the CC T/S. what i am trying to accomplish is this- i am trying to tame the kick drum down while still having strong bass guitar. i have tried using X-over points to tame the kick drums down, but i lose the bass guitar line as well. i have successfully done other boxes for other drivers and intentionally tuned low to accomplish this. my midbass stage should be improving once i add the Hertz Space 6L in the door and possibly the M6 in a pod, but it i still like the sub to hammer out the low bass guitar parts. it would be nice to have to tweakability of a mixer. you could turn certain instruments up or down until the desired sound is achieved. look... i know that the SSD drivers perform just fine sealed or ported, but once you understand where i am coming from and what i am trying to achieve it might make more sense. i am sure some of you have been to a concert/show and have heard that the kick drum is not near as prominent as the bass guitar-- wouldnt you like to have that same effect in your car? does anyone else have a similar experience?

Edited by rugdnit

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So wait your trying to use a copper coil SSD in a passive radiator setup?

What kind of radiators are you using? Ideally your radiators should be twice the sD of the sub that is playing...

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For what it sounds like you're trying to do, I would really concentrate on the midbass first, the SSD is going to perform just fine in a regular sealed enclosure for you. The problem is once you start having the sub take over guitar parts, it's pulling your staging cues back...in real life, the bass guitarist is in front of you :)

PR's certainly have their place, but I would leave them for very low tuned enclosures where the port lengths would get unwieldy.

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For what it sounds like you're trying to do, I would really concentrate on the midbass first, the SSD is going to perform just fine in a regular sealed enclosure for you. The problem is once you start having the sub take over guitar parts, it's pulling your staging cues back...in real life, the bass guitarist is in front of you :)

PR's certainly have their place, but I would leave them for very low tuned enclosures where the port lengths would get unwieldy.

JimJ-- agreed... that is why i have the Hertz coming and am even considering putting the M6's in pods since they really need an enclosure. the last two ported boxes i had were tuned low and it seemed to lessen the thump of the kick drum but i still had solid bass guitar ( i like a loud bass guitar ) but as you mentioned with more help up front you can avoid the localization of all the sound from the back. i definitely like the idea of a PR with something like an RLi 8 or 10... small enclosure with low tuning.

Nick i was looking at the Acoustic Elegance PRs.

thanx guys!

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now i see what you are trying to do, although i don't know how to compute for the pr those other guys seem to know what they are doing though. and yes i love to have a concert sound in my car but i allow for more bass from the kicks so my woofers don't have to play too many higher notes. i use the 3.1 audiocontrol to blend and control what goes where. well hopefully you get the sound you're after. i have'nt heard the q's but i would think they are better suited to the sound you're looking for. i dunno i think i'll leave this alone i'm probably a fish out of water on this lol

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now i see what you are trying to do, although i don't know how to compute for the pr those other guys seem to know what they are doing though. and yes i love to have a concert sound in my car but i allow for more bass from the kicks so my woofers don't have to play too many higher notes. i use the 3.1 audiocontrol to blend and control what goes where. well hopefully you get the sound you're after. i have'nt heard the q's but i would think they are better suited to the sound you're looking for. i dunno i think i'll leave this alone i'm probably a fish out of water on this lol

brother.... i appreciate your help! i didnt give you guys enough info from the get go. i didn't mean to come off the wrong way. i will spend more time on my front stage once i get the Hertz 6L drivers in. i like the bass guitar lines to thunder, but with a sealed enclosure i always get more thump from the kick drum than i really like.

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bump for Specs is Scott back yet?

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