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got a couple of memphis 16-st1000 amps and i was wondering if they can handle a .5 ohm load for burps?? anyone have any knowledge? all info is greatly appreciated. thanks

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Mrray13 might know.

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You could always PM him to point him here just in case. ;)

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good idea


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for burps, yes. for daily, not unless you have a very stout electrical system. i have ran the st 1500d at one ohm daily, but it really ups it's current consumption, and it shut off quite a bit.

in any case, the st series were the best line, i really don't like the current mc lineup, though they aren't supposed to be much different save heatsink. they just don't seem to hold up quite as well as the earlier st series did.

again though, make sure you have a solid electrical system for those st1000ds before burping to be safe. they'll handle it, but they'll liek it even more if they have the current to back them up. at least IME.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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