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port help

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I will be doing a blowthrough in my truck, gonna order amps and such on Wednesday. Anyhow, it is going to be 4 12" BLs, but my question is, how do you think I should do my port. I was thinking staggering the 4 subs. The two outside ones low, the two middle higher up allowing the subs to sit closer together, and doing one big square port in the middle of the box. My goal is to be a rid. loud daily pounder with possible compeition...will this work?

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keeping the port in the middle will allow the subs to move more in sync but will not be the loudest.

I've never setup a system inside of a truck so with what i'm about to say, you may be able to fill in the blanks.

On a ported box, you have the port and sub(s).

Driver's seat is on the left obviously.

When the port is on the passenger side, the driver side will be louder and vice versa.

So, i am "assuming" that if you had the port behind passenger seat and all 4 subs behind you, it would be ungodly but don't hold me to that because i've never done a truck setup before.

If you have ever had a ported box in your truck before or still do, play around with it to see if this is true for your truck as well.

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I currently do have a ported setup, but it is only 2 12's with the port in the middle. Now I was thinking port in the middle with 2 on each side, but not directly beside one another. This is the first box I am building, so I wanna make sure everything is planned before I start making cuts. Let me make a poor attempt at doing an illustration,but it will be tighter of course, lol.


O || O

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oh i know what u r wanting to do.

You have a height limit and because this forum uses HTML when making posts, you cannot space more than once unless you made a table but that has to do with...... well nvm, back on topic.

Port in the middle..hmm

well do this, if u can-

Can you turn the box upright so all the subs and port are on one side of the truck?

Test it like that behind passenger and driver seat and see what's louder.

whichever side is louder is what side you need the port on.

You can also try just putting it in the middle as well.

So, if it's louder behind the passenger side, then the port goes there and subs behind driver side.

Edited by shizzzon

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Oh ok, I see what you are saying now. I never really thought of doing it on one side, lol. I have always been the type of person who was "stuck" on keeping things symmetric, lol.

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