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Battery saver?

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So the other day I did the Big 3 in my car. Everything had always been fine before it, I just did it to prepare for my next system. After doing the Big 3, I noticed something weird. In my car, there is a little heads up display for the driver, and after bumpin for a while, it said "Batter Saver Active." Wtf is this? I mean I would guess that it senses low power from the batt, but two different voltage meters show 12.8 w/ car off, ~15.2 idle, and ~14.6-15.1 while bumping. My voltage never drops below 14.3 volts, and I was just wondering why it would say something about the batter saver? Btw, i just added new wires, I did not remove the old ones.

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take it to the dealer

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Was the car running when this message came up? Im thinking the HUD has a power saving feature in it where if the car isnt running it will go into a power saving mode after so long. Either that or RTFM. :P

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falkin pontiac..........

my only other thought is that... while playing... for 5 mins or so.. with the music on.. headlights and the a/c you will depleate your batts...... because the alt puts out a fraction of the amps it dose while driving

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I mean the car has less than 7,000 miles, and the message will show up at idle or even when driving at highway speed. I never play it w/ the car off. I really don't know. I guess I can just ignore it since my voltage and stuff is obviously adequate... Just kinda annoying.

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Like shizzon said, I would bring it to the dealer, might just be a computer problem that has nothing to do with your audio system. Should be covered under warranty.

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