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Work... what ya do and for who?

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Coast Guard here....Firecontrol and Electronics Tech. Stationed in Jacksonville,Fl for now.

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Sales Manager for a company that specializes in NVH measurements. You name an unusual acoustic or vibration measurement and I have probably made it.


My friend is an enginear who's job is similar, but it usualy involves him trying to replicate an issue. Basicaly he uses huge shakers(really powerfull speakers pretty much) and blasts ferquensies at things untill they break. It was amazing touring his place of work. Saw some .5hz capable drivers.... those would be sweet in the HT lol

I used to sell "huge shakers" and am really familiar with his tests work. I regularly use shakers for doing tests today, but in this case it is to impart energy at all frequencies into a device to figure out its modal characteristics. In short, modal analysis is a technique to define/measure all of the bending shapes and frequencies they occur at in any structure.

That sounds verry interesting. His job is 90% either recreating how things break or finding a new way to break them and then 10% finding a way to correct that. Quite a bit of fluid dynamics too.

It allows him also to use some pretty sweet tools to help tune his exhaist and suspension on his toys ;)

They company he works for is green too so it's really an amazing facility. Much of it though is off limits even for him to show me. Goota make sure I don't go posting some companies new stuff online in audio forums! Really some amazing things can be done with enginearing.

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DOD Civilian for the ARMY here in Lawton, Ok. I do Production Control which is like issuing out work orders to the mechanics and updating everything on our database. I'am also in the ARMY reserves as the head Combative(hand 2 hand) instructor for my brigade. Sometimes when they need me I play as opposition forces OPFOR to help train units going to Iraq. Which means get to dress up like a insurgent and run around Ft Sill with a AK-47 playing the bad guy. Once a week I teach private lessons in Jiu-Jitsu to kids and well thats about it.

What level certified are you?

level 3

Rock on. I am trying to get into the level one right now. I need to start it and get my college underway.


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