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How much should I order.

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If I were to order 3/4 MDF boards from Home Depot. How much should I get? I want to get a LITTLE more then I should get, but not an overload of it.

This is for a 20H x 25W x 20D box that will hold a 15" BTL.



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1 sheet should do it...may want to look into alllthread for bracing as well.

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One sheet, ok thanks. Any ideas how much one costs? (First time building my own box)

Allthread, I'll probably stick with 2x4s for the bracing.

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26 bucks or so depending on location...i'd highly suggest doing something other than 2x4's for bracing

A lot less turbulence in the enclosure when you use allthread...

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I went to home depot today, 17bucks for a big sheet of 3/4 MDF Board.

Allthread, I guess I will have to look that up.

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hey nick.. i have 2 15" bls..... and my box has NO bracing.... ya think i should rebuild my box.. i man what are the effects when you do not brace?

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I've seen it hurt and i've seen it help output...

Lower power things like to flop and breathe, higher power the output starts to go down....

If you pinch it too much it can/will hurt output...

Really something to try, if nothing else you'll keep the box from blowing apart :)

(ps i had 2x4's bracing the boxes that i slid in the shell of the truck for temporary...needless to say they are broken to pieces and the faces are flopping like a fish out of water...and launched a woofer completely out of the box, twice.)

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I dont understand how you would brace it with allthreads?

Would you have to drill into the board just enough so it doesn't go through? And on the other side would you have to drill in reverse of the other side? Would that screw in on both sides if one side is drilled clockwise and the other side is CClockwise?

<--- Newbie box builder ----|



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2 holes, 4 washers, 4 nuts

if you look at the box from the side it'l be like this


0 being the nuts

| being the washers

][ being the wood inbetween

and tighten

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if that makes more sense...

red is the nuts, black flat parts are the washers...black straight piece is the allthread going throgh the box

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Ok so the thread will be coming out of the box.

Makes more sense now. Thanks.

Now i just need a box that will fit my car without me trying to build it inside....

Anyone wanna help?

My trunk dimensions are:

Height: 21"

Width: 43"

Depth: 27"

I was given a design with the dimensions of 20H x 25W x 25D

That is the tightest fit i have ever seen. (Would like to take some inches off the Height of the box to make it fit nicely.)

I am wanting to get a BTL 15" hooked up to a sundown SAZ-3000D at 4cubes at 35Hz.

Can someone help me design a box that is maybe 18H x 38W x 25D? Or close to these dimensions.

Much help needed and appreciated.



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All right, now you're makin it harder than what it really is-

I'm gonna tell ya what all you "can" do, not necessary to do everything as the more u do, the stronger it gets.

All thread runs from one side to the other side...ALWAYS.

So, drill 2 holes at the same point on both sides of the box.

When you slide the allthred through, put washers and nuts on both the inside and the outside on both walls...

So 4 nuts and 4 washers.

Use 3/4" allthread.

When the allthread is about to be in position, run threadlock all over it and then run glue and then sealant on the outer edges that meet the wood.

If u run 2 different directions of allthread, make sure they come together EXACTLY in the center of the box and use a 4way connector as this is the God Grip.

Use L brackets every 12" on ALL adjacent pieces on the inside.

For parts of the box where allthread is impossible, u have 2 options+

1- use 2x4s on the outside

2- use some sort of metal countersinking nut with a base on it that does not go through to the other side so it keeps the allthread in there.

Double baffle is good.

Maybe double up on all sheets.

For even more, take 2 sheets for all walls, in between each sheet, fill n pour with sand/saw dust/cement.

Hold the sub in-

Use hurricane nuts and run the bolts through that.

Or run bolts backwards and threadlock em and finish off with nuts on outside.

Bolt box from inside to frame of car.

Use some sort of tape sealer around outside of sub.

Paint the box.

If I think of anything else worth mentioning... I'll post it

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couldn't you just have a piece of wood on each end of the allthread inside the box instead of having the allthread protruding outside of the box? would this work? i too will be atempting a first time box build for a bl 15

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