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Building a new box for the mag....

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Well right now my mag is in a 4.0 cu ft box tuned to 28 hz. Its nice and clean and gets pretty loud but I want a lil more SPL out of it. I heard if I tuned up around 35 hz it would get a lot louder but my question is how much sq will I be losing? I really dont want to lose too much sq but want it a bit louder. What do you guys suggest?? And in what kind of enclosure did you get your best results?

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yeah tuning higher will make it louder. how much sq will you lose is hard to tell. You won't have quite as much low-lows, but the 40-50 hz range will be noticeably louder. If by sq you mean "tightness," well that's hard to tell. generally a higher tune makes it a little more muddy sounding, but to what extent I can't tell you. maybe it won't at all.

My 15D2 is in 3.8 tuned to 30 hz, and it's just awesome. It's the only one I've had it in, though.

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