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Component Set Recommendations?

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So I took the plunge and had the doors deadened and sealed last week with Damplifier. I also had deflex pads put directly behind the speaker locations. Today, I ordered the Peerless SLS 6.5" woofers.

What crossover points would you guys recommend for them?

My plan is to high-pass my AudioControl Three.1 and low-pass my MTX Thunder 4320 amp to achieve a bandpass configuration, without spending the cash on a completely different crossover unit. I was thinking 50 or 60hz high-pass and 200hz low-pass (this is the highest freq. the crossovers on the MTX's will go).

After that, have a good set of components take over everything from 200hz and up in some custom kick panels and have 1 ported sub handle 20hz to 50/60hz.

How are those crossover points?

Add: Just found out that getting a new crossover module for the Three.1 is about $20 shipped (each), haha. Ouch. I know it will be difficult to get the freq's dead on the first time, so what 2 or 3 should I start with?



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I changed mine daily for a couple months...I might look at a different crossover and selling what you have. Do remember that underlapping can be your friend. 50-200 is a reasonable range to start out with though.

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