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Crossover points

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I am currently running a set of Crystal 6.5" componants on my Sundown 100.4

The HU Is a Pioneer DEH-P6000UB

I keep having some "popping" from the mids.........as if they are almost over excurting at times.

HU High Pass is set at 125 Hz

The amp is set at Full Range.

I cannot seem to find a way to shut off the High Pass on the HU and i wonder if turning on the High Pass on the amp could cause some issues.

Also what could be the other causes of this besides it being too low a crossover point?

Gain is slightly less than 3/4 no bass boost or anything else.

Ideas are VERY welsome.


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Well, I know a way to get more control & midbass from them. How is your deadening on the doors?

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on my head unit(alpine) turning on HP on HU only high passes speakers ran off of HU's internal amp.

So... if yours does that too, then the full range setting on the amp that is powering those speakers is running all frequencies to it.

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Depends on the Xover slope, but if you're getting popping noises with a 125Hz HP, something is up with the install...because that's already way too high of a crossover point IMO :)

I've got the Memphis 6.5's down to 50Hz with a 24dB/oct slope, and the only time I can get them to complain is with very kettle-drum heavy material, John Williams in particular makes them very unhappy. But for everything else I don't get any noises.

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  shizzzon said:
on my head unit(alpine) turning on HP on HU only high passes speakers ran off of HU's internal amp.

So... if yours does that too, then the full range setting on the amp that is powering those speakers is running all frequencies to it.

It could very well be that.

and the doors like the other 2/3 of the car needs deadener


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Well I swithed it to the Rear output (which has the option of either full pass or subwoofer output #2) and am now using the Sundown 100.4's built in x/o.

WOW one hell of a difference. My ONLY complaint is that the amps control knob is too fucking close to the RCA..........my "knob adjuster" accidentally hit the rca jacket and DAMN was that one big ass spark!!! But no damage THANK GOD!!!

Well once the doors get deadened it will sould alot cleaner, and louder.


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I assume your bottoming out issues are gone?

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Yes.............but now my alt whine is more present than before. Its in my subs as well.

I am gonna check for tight RCA's. Make sure the jackets are screwed down TIGHT.

They are ran over the transmission hump. Other than that its not over the power wire or anything. Remote wire yes...........Any ideas of what else could be causing this that I may not be mentioning beacuse I am looking over it?

Thanks alot for the help guys.................This used to be my 'relaxation' but lately it just seems to frustrate me more at times.


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It has nothing to do with where you ran the wires, nothing.

I'd first check your grounds. I assume you pulled a fresh ground for the headunit and didn't use the stock crap. Also, check the connections elsewhere. Next is to remove the rca's from the amp and see if it is still there, if not, plug them back in and remove from headunit as you may also have a bad cable.

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time to replace the HU ground then..................Dipshit me used the stock ground.

suggestions for grounding point?


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Closest spot on the firewall to where the big 3 is done...

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Well glad i have some extra wire layin around.

And I checked the RCA ends to the amps, the ends to the HU is tomorrow and quite possibly the ground too.

Thanks for the help Sean.


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No need for thanks. Hopefully that takes care of it. Sometimes Pio headunits also like the outer shield of one side of the rca's run to ground as well.

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WOW.............thats rather shitty


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RCA's tightened didn't quite fix it when i put it back in the cage............I pulled it again and turned it on.............no noise

so i left it on, put it back in the cage and it did not re-appear................hella strange.


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