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aero ports

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I am planning a box design in which I am using two 3" aero ports. The ports are supposed to be 7 inches long. My question is when using aero ports does the actual tube have to be seven inches or does the entire port assembly (flares included) need to be 7 inches?

Edited by basshead08

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if your design is suppose to have the ports 7" long, then the entire assembly needs to be 7" long.

So, if the flare is already 4", for example, then you only need 3" of tubing.

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  shizzzon said:
if your design is suppose to have the ports 7" long, then the entire assembly needs to be 7" long.

So, if the flare is already 4", for example, then you only need 3" of tubing.

wrong...the entire port needs to be (1) inch longer than 7 inches...im looking at the formula

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  diablo said:
  shizzzon said:
if your design is suppose to have the ports 7" long, then the entire assembly needs to be 7" long.

So, if the flare is already 4", for example, then you only need 3" of tubing.

wrong...the entire port needs to be (1) inch longer than 7 inches...im looking at the formula

where is that formula located? Could you post a link please?

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