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new /old aa lines

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hey im just curious about news on the chaos and mayhem series as well as if the avalanche will make a return?

i may have missed it, or didnt search properly, but is there any info on them release dates performance etc? being aa i would imagine everything is being made to sound good first and then up the loudness?

any of them going to be similar to the o5 xxx or have xbl^2? split gap?

sorry for all the questions but im jumping up to an 18 soon and cant decide whether i want two smaller 18s (mjs) or one mean one, Q, mayhem, DR etc. sealed application probably with a possible porting later on. saz 1500d would be for power..

oh and i have a mag 12 right now the last gen so sounding close to as good would be nice.

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Avalanche is not making a return...not going to do anything xbl^2 related...sorry

The Q and the Mayhem are very very different drivers..

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"and the line is now dealer based only."

No more online AA sales? Am I understanding you correctly?

If so, will this affect pricing? The online price of the Havoc 12 was already on the outside edge of what I'm willing to pay.

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Strictly dealer based, no online sales any longer.

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i dont see why not, i am a dealer, and those are the retail prices for the product. they are the same where ever you go. those are directly from scott.

mdmstang65 if you have a problem with prices call me at 219-210-5201


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The staff will post them soon with a bunch of other information, regarding mids and other stuff for the whole product lineup. In one big introductory thread...in a 'press release' of sorts.



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