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Wrecked my car, now I need a new system

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How goes it guys. It has been quite awhile since I have last posted anything or had any questions. Well, 2 weeks ago I got in a car accident with stupid tourist who was slightly drunk. My poor Silverado was toasted along with everything in it. The only thing that really lived was my head unit...sigh, it was junk anyway. So, needless to say, this morning I got a brand new 08 Silverado...thanks to my insurance and the threat of a law suit against the guy. Anyway, I wanted to try something a little different, but am not entirly sure.

So, before I start asking questions, here are my goals. I wanna get fairly loud but sound good doing it. I am not talking about all out SPL kinda stuff here cause I will more than likely NEVER compete in anything. I just want something that can take your breathe away and move some air. I was thinking maybe 4 15" Q's sealed.....is that good. Is it capable of things like hair tricks? It will be done with the largest recommended size per sub more than likely. At the moment, I am thinking perhaps a RF4000.1 or two Sundown 2000s. Does this sound good to you guys and do you think it is capable of doing what I want?

Oh yeah, the truck already has a blowthrough....courtesy of the Chevy dealership :). I guess they felt bad and hooked me up with a blow through which actually looks nicer than any blowthrough I have had done before. They went all out with it.

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lets get some pics of that GM blow thru

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Perrfffecccttt. I will have a new Sony camera in like a week, just got one off ebay last week so hopefully it will come in soon...i will take some pics for ya

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whats your budget with this new system?

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By a "system" do you mean the entire system, or just part of it :)

You didn't mention anything about a front stage, is that important to you or not?

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The front stage is important, but honestly....at the moment, I am going to do the bass and add on to the front stage as I go along later....just tryin to plan the subs and get them in at the moment. My budget is pretty open to be honest. Couple grand for amps, some for subs, etc. I'm not the type of person who tries to do a super elaborate system with a grand, lol.

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By a "system" do you mean the entire system, or just part of it :)

You didn't mention anything about a front stage, is that important to you or not?

If you would like to go ahead and throw out some ideas for a good front stage that could keep up with those subs, go for it. Hate to say this cause I know I am going to get bashed by the big time SQ guys, lol, but I am not all that much into a sound stage....but then again, if I want to use 4 subs I am sure ya'll realize this.

I have never ran a comp set either, sigh, so this is going to be my first setup with any type of component set. I don't think I am ready to take the step to an active crossover, so if possible, stear me away from that because I will probably screw it up and break something, lol.

Edited by truckaudioman

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