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I think I want to build a new box anyway. My current box is dual chambered because a friend of mine said that was better than single chambered (any truth to this?). I figure if I build a single chamber box I'd make better use of space and I like the look of 1 wider port anyway. Also, maybe I could put a window on the backside with blue LED's inside so you can see the magnets... idk just some ideas.

Any recommendations on square port area or does that not really matter?

There's always a debate on the single chamber versus multichamber and nobody ever wins, so don't worry about drivers using the same space, if and only if they are fed the same signal

Hell, with 2.3 cubes, you can fit a pair of Mags easily( or 4 BMs).

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How much can the Sundown SAE-1000D be found for though? The MSRP is $400, but couldn't I find it cheaper than MSRP and it pretty much be almost the same cost in the end as the kicker?

Since its sounds like you will like an Semi SQ setup and you are trying to find a 1000d for under 400, ever thought of doing the package deals:

10" Icon+1000d=$479

12" Icon+1000d=$499

15" Icon+1000d=$519

That seems like it will be the better road for you to go down.

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There's always a debate on the single chamber versus multichamber and nobody ever wins, so don't worry about drivers using the same space, if and only if they are fed the same signal

When you say "fed the same signal" do you mean hooked up to the same amp or with the amps bridged? Because from other peoples advice I think I'll buy the package deal (10" Icon + 1000d) and then when I have money later down the road I'll buy them again. I'll use the box I have for now since because it's dual chambered I can just put one sub in at a time. If I want to build a new box down the road, I will.

I guess for the subs and amp I'm looking at getting...

10" SSA Icon + Sundown Audio SAE-1000D - $479

10" SSA Icon + Sundown Audio SAE-1000D - $479

The total is less than the SSA Icons and the one large Kicker amp, so I'll go with the package deals. I'm kind of lost when it comes to component speakers though. How are they typically set-up? Could somebody expand on the active vs passive thing since I'm lost on that? Like I said, before I just replaced the 6x9's in the back with new ones and the same with the ones in the doors. Looking at component sets, none come with 6x9's. Component sets seem to only come with two tweeters and two speakers. Right now I have two tweeters (stock, and down by the floor, not sure if thats very optimal), two speakers in the front on the door near the floor, and two 6x9's in the rear. All four speakers being Sony Xplodes.

As for deck, I'm really interested in the Pioneer Avic-D3 if I can afford it and/or find a better deal on it. I'm open to suggestions for this though as I'm also unsure exactly what to look for. The feautures in the Avic-D3 just caught my eye. My only real requirement is that it has a built in hardrive or some sort of ipod interface or SD card reader or USB reader. I hate dealing with CD's and would like to avoid them as much as possible. The ipod interface on the D3 especially caught my eye. Leave my Ipod in the glove box and just access everything from the D3 like it was just a built in harddrive. I also like the bluetooth feautre. Originally I was interested in the Z3, but is it really worth the extra price? What feautures are offered for the extra price?

Also, any recommendations for wire? I'm assuming I'd need 1/0 guage for the big three and run 1/0 guage to a distrubtion block and split it into two 4 guage lines, one to each amp? Also, how many square feet of damplifier do you think it would take to do a small 2000 Sunfire? Would it be worth it to go with Damplifier pro or would I be wasting my money. If it's worth it, I definitely don't mind as I hate rattling. Right now even with my chitty duals people hear me coming, but they don't hear bass. They hear rattling.

Also, am I going to have to put money into anything else, like a larger main battery or alternator? Sorry for all the questions, but I'm new to a lot of this. I really do appreciate you guys helping though.

EDIT - What about this for wire?


Edited by KoolDrew

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thats a good choice for wires but dont buy that auction..go to regular ebay they are about $55-$65 there

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