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Havoc 12" Ported or 15" Sealed

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So I've decided to try something different other than my TC 3K 15" in a sealed 2.5 ft^3 box and I'm looking at the Havoc. This is going in an '03 Maxima so I have about 3.5 ft^3 to work with since I still want to use some of my trunk. Sub will be powered by the SAZ-1500D I'm currently running. Would you recommend the 12" ported or the 15" sealed? I guess I could squeeze the 15" in there ported but I'd like to keep the box as small as possible. Looking for mainly a LSQ setup. Which would you choose and why?

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If you're really after loud SQ, sealed is the way to go.

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I have a similar setup to what you are looking at, ported Havoc 12. Either setup would sound great.

If you want the smallest box possible, why not try the Havoc 12 sealed? You will probably lose some low end but the Havocs can go into a pretty small box.

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My personal choice would mirror Jim's in this case.

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