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Gettin Ultrasound 4-3-08

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I've been havin a problem with my entire abdominal area for the past month and have gone to the doctor about it twice in the past month and now, the 3rd time i am being referred over to get an Ultrasouns done on my gallbladder tomorrow.

The doctor fears it may be failing or i have colon cancer... but some symptoms that are common for colon cancer i do not have so hopefully it isn't that severe.

IT's very bad pain sometimes. Bloating, cramping, severe sharp pains in the colon, digestive system refuses to work properly, so instead digests twice as slow and forms large amounts of gas.

When this happens, it makes me very hungry. Something turns off that limiter in your body to tell you when you are full when this occurs and i can eat forever if i wanted to but i know how much i normally eat so i stop myself.

They told me to take more fiber but when i do i become even more constipated.

Basically what it comes down to is everything that is suppose to happen, my body is having completely opposite effects so they wanna do an ultrasound so they can attempt to see what is going on inside.

Hoping it isnt anything too serious.

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I'm having similar problems. I hope all goes well for you.

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damn that sucks man.

Yea, it prevents me from workin on my car! that's the worst part because i want my stereo setup done and i cant even start!

Anyway, i've been doin some research, if they suggest me to remove my gallbladder if that's the problem, it's recommended that i do not have that operation as i will regret it in the future.

These websites i've been researchin this on has a lot of people who've had it done and do not like it. Their symptoms now are pain a lot greater than before and they were diagnosed with gallstones at the time they had to have their removed.

There is remedies and shifts in one's diet that can actually heal the gallbladder and pass the stones without surgery. Keep the diet change goin and shouldnt have to worry about gallstones again.

The thing about me though is it always hurt in the colon which makes me fear that they wont find anything wrong when they do the ultrasound on the gallbladder...

But, i'm not one who worries all the time so i don't tend to guess work my possible health issues. I just like to lay out the possibilities and see which ones i fit and gear myself up for some news.

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Good luck shiz, the SSA family is pulling for you to get better!

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Good luck shiz, the SSA family is pulling for you to get better!

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my sis had her gall bladder removed but i don't remember what her specific symptoms were. i know she couldn't eat much without cramping.

after having it removed she was able to eat without dying but now still has to be picky about certain foods.

this all happened about 10years ago so most of the details are fuzzy at best.

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got the ultrasound, gotta wait a couple days before they tell me anything.

the screen was in view at one point and i could partially see inside of me.... kinda an eary feeling so i stopped lookin at it, hehe

I couldnt get her to tell me a broad answer as to whether it's anything bad or not, she said i just had to wait and they were not allowed to discuss with anyone.

I have actually felt fine the last 2 days, fine as in completely normal.... i havent felt like this in a month.

Had to fast for 12hrs today then immediately went to the closest restaurant to eat....Taco Bell...

I know i know, but it didn't hurt at all to eat which is odd.

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Hopefully the results are positive. Good luck and I know how you feel as I have stomach problems myself, but kinda opposite of what you have.

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waiting on results right now, dont even know when they will let me know...

I dont expect it to be anything bad.

Basically, if i dont take fiber tabs, i feel better...

It's just constant bloating no matter what i eat. There might be something stuck but i dont know.. just gotta wait and see.

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colon flush? lol. sorry i really hope u feel better... so you can meter my system lol, no. and so yea, i didnt go to the meca thing either. my car started leakin water in again. i had to remove everything so no go. n all the shops i've been to already just tells me "advices" on how to find the leak, i know where its comin from on the inside but not how its coming in from the outside. i mean doesnt anyone of them want to make money? but yea, get better man. ooo and im about to set-up my brother's BL and usamps md2d. you should check it out when its done.

Edited by phi

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if u got a couple hundred dollars or know someone who will diagnose for free, take it to a body shop.

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Best wishes man !

I hope everything turns out ok :)

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like everyone says something different and they dont want to fix it. they just want to give me advice on how to find the leak. i mean omg no body shop wants to do it.

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Doctor's office finally called.

They STILL have not told me what is the results of the Ultrasound even thoguh i've been slowly getting worse, yea!!! %^%*&(#$^#$.

Anyways, they got me scheduled to go in next wednesday for an Upper GI.

There gonna stick a colonoscope down my throat.... nah, haha, but i am getting an endoscopy.

So, hopefully they can find out what's wrong then if i dont feel worse afterwards.

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Got the results in....

I have a Hiatal Hernia.

Meaning... i can no longer drink, smoke, eat fried or spicy foods and cannot drink any caffeinated drinks...

Well... i might as well just die now, huh?

Tomorrow i get inspected to determine if i need to be screened for cancer.

So, almost done with this.

Doctor said in about 20yrs he believes is when they will perform surgery to remove it...

Why so long? Well, he's goin on vacation. Nah, hehe, he says my hiatal hernia is small and if i eat and drink right, it should remain the way it is without problems.

Basically what it is is the stomach has pushed itself up into the lower part of my esophagus which can cause acid reflux symptoms and if my stomach expands too large from eating\drinking the wrong things or eating too much at one time can enlarge the hernia and cause breathing problems.

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Go to know it's not too serious! I wish you the best!

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Well that's good news, I was going to recommend that you eat healthy and clean and you should feel even better.

Time to get better! fing05.gif

Edited by sick6ness

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Glad you are okay :)

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Still not done yet.

Apparently, we have another problem.

Whenever i eat foods that upset the hernia, it only hurts where the hernia is... makes sense.

Well, if i eat foods that contain a lot of fiber such as frosted wheats or actual Benefiber, the entire abdominal area becomes severally cramped for about 1-2 full minutes and i can't even stand during this period due to the pain.

The doctor fears that i may have Coeliac disease so they did a blood test and will let me know in 1-2 weeks the results. This disease is where i am allergic to gluton. Somethin i am to try while i am waiting is to eat Wheat, Barley and Rye bread.

If these breads hurt as much as other fiber-like foods do, that's bad... IF they don't it's good!

IF it's bad, they are going to have to do a colonoscopy on me next.

I always like to joke around so whenever i hear the word colonoscopy, i always call it a sodomoscopy, hehe

Edited by shizzzon

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ok, my diagnosis is complete... i'm dead.

No, it's nothing major.

I have already said i was diagnosed with having a Hiatal Hernia.

I am now diagnosed with Celiac Disease.

It's not contagious, hehe, so don't think i'm a walking disease patient.

All that means is i am not "suppose" to eat foods that contain gluten.

If i do, it could eventually start damaging the lining in my stomach....which may have already happened once.

So, i'll be alive for a while, hehe.

Oh, i am not suppose to drink beer anymore or malt-liqour?!?!?!?!

Guess i'm gonna have to start snorting alcohol now..

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Mainline-ing alcohol FTMFL

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