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Lvl 5 question

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Ok well I thought I was gonna get me a few lvl4 12's to put in my car and do a lower class in NSPL. But I found a pickup that I am thinking about buying and just cutting the hell out of it. So if I get this truck I believe I may do a bit of serious bass racing. So My question is could a lvl5 15/18 take an IA 40.1 daily. I have never been known to care for the one note wonder and never shy enough not to let any one that wanted to take a listen and look around. So I am in search of a sub that can take 3000+ for a good duration. I figure I may as well make a wind tunnel out of it for the fun. I am also looking at a few other subs for the job but I seem to be really drawn to the DC's. So any input would be greatly appreciated!

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