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Ok as some of u may remeber i sold all my stuff right and was gonna get an 18 xxx and a amp to boot. Well i got the offer to get some 22in rims for 400$. I couldnt pass it up.

I need some cheap tires, so far the cheapest i've seen is 800$ :wacko:

But the guy i sold my amp to still has 120$ for me. and i really dont know when he is gonna send it. DOnt fret i still have the amp, He just sent me 100$ and was like he would send the rest in the next few days, it's been like a month or so. :unsure:

So i'm still short on he chash, but dude said he would hold them for me. I hope he does.

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I just did the EXACT same thing, I had saved up for some subs and then i came across 20s for $300, like you i couldt pass it up. But it kinda sux cuz now i still gotta save up for audio and tires so right now i have neither. But its all good cuz i have a hook up(i can get all for tires for like 250 haha)

By the way I have a 2002 s10, what do you have?

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i would have done the same thing, except i would have turned around and sold the 22s for more than i paid and gotten some nice 18s and used the rest to get the audio gear.

and do you mean "traitor"? ;)

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a tlm man see if u can find some 22in tires, for around that much my friend said he had the hook up ... for 600$ :wacko:

I got a 93 Lincoln TC.

dozure i see ur point i could sell them for alot more than 400$

but still there 22's. Ah maybe if i get tired of them or something.


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holy crap dewd, 22s on a town car? thats gonna be sick man, sick but ghetto lol. Ill ask them abt the hook up but it depends where you live because if i get them cheaper and you have to pay to ship them the price might equal out.

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yea true that.

but shippin shouldn't be more than prolly 100$, prolly less than that.

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Aight bro, ill be sure and check it out for ya, ur in luck because in abt a week im going to go and ask them abt my tires so ill ask abt yours too

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