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2 Ascendant Audio Havoc 18s

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Hi guys Trying to get started on enclosure this morning for a Jeep Cherokee. Want to be able to see out of the back window. Listens to Metal/Rock.

Tuning ~ 35-37hz okay

Amp ~ Rockford Fosgate 40001

I now have these max internal dimensions to work with before speaker and bracing displacement.

40" W

23" H

24" D

Thanks for any help

Shizzzon I've sent you a new PM

Goal is doing what it takes to get max air space so a ported enclosure is possible. Subs up port back. Box will also be double baffled.

Can anyone double check my work and see what kind of port you come up with. Probably one rear chamber and one big port slotted and vented. Thanks in advance, Joe

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anybody know what Havoc 18s sound like in 5.25 ported?

It's under recommendation but that's all i can come up with for right now unless the port is severely shrunken which i'm afraid will lead to too much turbulence.

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I think thats to small for em IMO.

Prolly have a nasty peak, and wont get as "low" as they should.

I'd drop down to 15s, or give up the back window.

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Looking like I might do sealed w/ 2 chambers but I'm trying to fight for something else but definately cannot give up back window. Thanks Shizzzon and Fordredneck312 for quick repsonses. Starting enclosure in about an hour so anyone with ideas please chime in.

Shizzzon sent you another PM

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40.0" W

24" H

25" D

New Dimensions ~~~~~These are max internal before sub displacement. Bracing is already displaced

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Really want to go ported.. I've come up with "fighting for" 13 cubes before port. Bracing and speaker dispacement included.

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Ok, you got yourself a deal!

Those dimensions are doable.

I might not be able to get you dimensions today so i'll go ahead and tell you that just in case that happens but those max internal dimensions, that is 13.88 cubes gross, minus 0.5 for sub leaving 13.38 gross. I can work with a 1.38cuft displacement for port.

Port area will be around 11.75-12sqin per cube but should get you what you want. I will also tell you that this will be tuned to 37hz so hoping all is well with output.

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i'm workin on a design that gives him 12 cubes NET with ~140sqin of port.

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  shizzzon said:
Ok, you got yourself a deal!

Those dimensions are doable.

I might not be able to get you dimensions today so i'll go ahead and tell you that just in case that happens but those max internal dimensions, that is 13.88 cubes gross, minus 0.5 for sub leaving 13.38 gross. I can work with a 1.38cuft displacement for port.

Port area will be around 11.75-12sqin per cube but should get you what you want. I will also tell you that this will be tuned to 37hz so hoping all is well with output.

Sounds perfect tomorrow is fine - I'll go ahead and make cuts figuring port out of the back. Is only having 3inches when tailgate is closed an issue?

Sent yet another PM

Thanks again for all of your quick responses ~ronrico

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Ok, website was down, here are your specs-

You gave me internal dimensions of 40" wide by 25" Deep by 24" high.

Using double baffle, sub up port up, external dimensions are-

41.5" wide x 26.5" deep x 26.25" high.

Sub cutout diameter - 16.75" Outer sub diameter - 18.5"

Tuning 32.8-33hz! (AA doesn't recommend tuning above 33)

Net volume - 12.1 cubes ported @32.8hz

Port specs -

4" back by 28" wide by 15.75" long.


picture -


Specs for what u are seeing-

Drilling points for both subs are as follows- (these specs are taken from measuring FULL external dimensions. It is assumed that when laying baffle down that you have a 41.5" wide by 26.5" deep sheet!

drill point 1-

10.375" (horizontally) x 15.625" (vertically)

drill point 2-

31.125" (horizontally) x 15.625" (vertically)

measure these from left to right and bottom to top according to picture above.


Also assuming using a 41.5" wide x 26.5" deep sheet-

port is 4x28 so here are cutting points-

6.75" horizontally and cut over to 34.75" horizontally.

4" deep on port.

Port runs down front wall, port uses this wall as part of port. Port ends 15.75" down

Tuning 32.8hz(very close)

Note again, the image above is showing the external dimensions. You should lay the baffle on top of all side walls for best support anyway which i'm sure you will so these dimensions will match up perfectly for you.

You owe me so much...... buy my next setup for me, :) hehe

Edited by shizzzon

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