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I am in need of a box design. I have a 99 grand am and Im going to build a ported box for one of my atlas15

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ok but would that box design work well? its very simple with just a 5in port, or should i go slot ported?

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just my opnion but 3.8 with a PVC port will produce a lot of port noise...

build it 4.25gross

4.0cf net use Areoports...

post the T/s ill plot it up for you with Bbp6...

can you go a lil wider than 35" ???

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ya i know with one 5inch port i have little port area, i was also thinking of going with 2 4inch ports which would bump up port area to around 26. i could go max 37 wide but it would be very tight and the box would be moved forward about 1 inch so i would only be able to go 19 deep. also the atlas you can adjust the qts so whcih ts specs do you want low qts or high qts?

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  dustin said:
ya i know with one 5inch port i have little port area, i was also thinking of going with 2 4inch ports which would bump up port area to around 26. i could go max 37 wide but it would be very tight and the box would be moved forward about 1 inch so i would only be able to go 19 deep. also the atlas you can adjust the qts so whcih ts specs do you want low qts or high qts?

adjust ???

what do you lisen to ?

Low if you like Music

High if your going to hitt the SPL lanes.

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"These are the T/S specs for the Atlas 15 in its high Qts setting. This alignment is typically only recommended for infinite baffle and dipole use. However, it can also be used to great effect in sealed car audio enclosures to achieve more output down low by creating a powerful bump in the frequency response.

This setting typically requires the least power to reach excursion limits, especially in an infinite baffle setup. The lack of an enclosure in an "IB" setup allows the high Qts to give a much more natural frequency response and fantastic sound quality. This setting is generally not recommended for ported enclosures.

Below is the wiring diagram for the Atlas 15 in the high Qts setting. Simply leave the gold terminals open and untouched. The connection to the amplifier should be made by using the silver terminals on the subwoofer.

Please visit the DIY & Tech Info page to see some recommended enclosures for the Atlas 15 in this setting."

Fs 21.5 Hz

Qms 6.56

Qes .624

Qts .57

Vas 364 L

Re 2.8 ohms

Znom 4 ohms

Xmax 18 mm

Sd 810 cm2

Mms 139 g

Vd 2.91 L

RMS Power 300 watts

BL 8.5

Spl 1W/1M 89.5 dB

Spl 2.83V/1M 93.5 dB

Le .86 mH

Cms .388 mm/N

No. .567

Cutout 14.125"

Diameter 15.5"

Depth 7.25"

Weight 24 pounds

"These are the T/S specs for the Atlas 15 in its mid Qts setting. This alignment is only recommended if you have a larger enclosure size available. It has lower overall sensitivity than the low Qts and requires larger enclosures.

This setting can work very well for home and car audio setups, but home audio ported enclosures tend to get a bit too large. Sealed enclosures work very well, but also need to be bigger. Although the sensitivity is lower overall, the low frequency sensitivity is increased. Because of this, less power is generally needed versus the low Qts setting.

Below is the wiring diagram for the Atlas 15 in the mid Qts setting. Simply place a 1.5 ohm resistor across the gold terminals. The connection to the amplifier should be made by using the silver terminals on the subwoofer.

Please visit the DIY & Tech Info page to see some recommended enclosures for the Atlas 15 in this setting."

Fs 21.5 Hz

Qms 6.56

Qes .483

Qts .45

Vas 364 L

Re 2.8 ohms

Znom 4 ohms

Xmax 18 mm

Sd 810 cm2

Mms 139 g

Vd 2.91 L

RMS Power 300 watts

BL 10.3

Spl 1W/1M 90.6 dB

Spl 2.83V/1M 94.5 dB

Le .86 mH

Cms .388 mm/N

No. .711

Cutout 14.125"

Diameter 15.5"

Depth 7.25"

Weight 24 pounds

These are the T/S specs for the Atlas 15 in its low Qts setting. For the majority of alignments and uses, this will be the Qts selection of choice. It has the highest overall sensitivity and requires the smallest enclosure.

This setting works very well for home and car audio setups. It gives you the smallest sealed enclosures. It also gives you very potent ported enclosures. Unless you have lower power requirements or room for a much larger enclosure, this should be the optimal Qts choice for the Atlas 15.

Below is the wiring diagram for the Atlas 15 in the low Qts setting. Simply place a wire jumper across the gold terminals. The connection to the amplifier should be made by using the silver terminals on the subwoofer.

Please visit the DIY & Tech Info page to see some recommended enclosures for the Atlas 15 in this setting."

Fs --- 21.5 Hz

Qms ----6.56

Qes ----.392

Qts---- .37

Vas---- 364 L

Re------ 2.8 ohms

Znom----4 ohms

Xmax ----18 mm

Sd------ 810 cm2

Mms --- 139 g

Vd ----- 2.91 L

RMS----300 watts

BL----- 11.7

Spl--- 91.5 dB

Spl 2.83V/1M ----95.5 dB

Le--- .86 mH

Cms ---.388 mm/N

No.----.904 No clue what "No" is.

Cutout--- 14.125"


Depth ---7.25"

Weight---24 pounds

i listen to rock/rap/alternative not looking for a number box no competing gonna be done here just something that will play low and shake everything in the car and maybe the car next to me. also i can adjsut the qts of the atlas with the second vc, which is smaller than the other. hard to explain but yes you ca adjsut the qts.

Edited by dustin

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  dustin said:
umm i think its .1cf not to sure though.

Box Parts (Square Prism)

3/4in MDF

1 Top, 1 Bottom: 16.75 x 36.5in

1 Front, 1 Back: 11.5 x 35in

2 Sides: 11.5 x 16.75

ports 2x 4" round x 27 7/8"

25.5Hz :slayer:


Type: Standard one-way driver

No. of Drivers = 1

Fs = 21.5 Hz

Qms = 6.56

Vas = 364 liters

Cms = 0.388 mm/N

Mms = 139 g

Xmax = 18 mm

Sd = 810 sq.cm

Qes = 0.392

Re = 2.8 ohms

Z = 4 ohms

BL = 11.7 Tm

Pe = 300 watts

Qts = 0.37

1-W SPL = 91.5 dB

2.83-V SPL = 95.5 dB


Box Properties


Type: Vented Box

Shape: Prism, square

Vb = 3.371 cu.ft

Fb = 25.5 Hz

F3 = 37.53 Hz

Fill = none

No. of Vents = 2

Vent shape = round

Vent ends = two flush

Dv = 4 in

Lv = 27.89 in

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thnaks for the help, couple questions though one why 25hz? that seems really low for car audio. also the ports will be 28inchs that means i have to put them width so they would be firing into the side of the trunk how will that wrok out?

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  dustin said:
thnaks for the help, couple questions though one why 25hz? that seems really low for car audio. also the ports will be 28inchs that means i have to put them width so they would be firing into the side of the trunk how will that wrok out?

you said you wanted Music...

if you like i can tune it higher but that is the best response i plotted was @ 25Hz...

with the given T/s

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