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dem beats

Getting the basics done

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I Just put the pio 880 in my 98 expe, and that deck is awesome. I am in love. It even makes the factory set up tolerable.... almost.

Well I know what I need to do next and thats basic electrical and deadening, while I wait to see if I want to do an alarm etc.

I'm going to go active in the front and am still undecided about placement of speakers and then in turn about what size drivers..and how I want to go about it, so I'm going to switch gears and work on the bass and deadening and electrical for a while.

I am completely lost on the big 3 and it will take me a long time to figure those out I think. I have read it's practical to just double up with the factory instead of replacing.. and I think that might be the way to go.

SO I am left with purchasing wire and deadening, and making some choices on what I want to do here. I'll also be doing some functional cosmetic changes to the truck with lights and maybe a winch. I came into a good sized windfall in bad circumstances so I'm going to blow some cheddar on the truck and do it up.

Fist off how much dead mat will I need do you think for my truck and where do you all feel it's most vital. I don't mind deadening the whole damn thing I, but I want to know points of interest if you have ever heard of any issues that EB expe's have.

I'm thinking about going with second skin, and knu concepts wiring. Value based brands it sounds like, anyone have any other thoughts?

I really need help here though. My alt is suposed to be 130 amp I beleive, do you think I could get away with running a system that would be in the 1200-3400 watt range. I know it's a wide range, but i'm not sure how I will want to go with bass. My going is to have a wonderfull front stage focusing on the mid/midbass and to make the lows verry forcefully but only in a way that will not sacrifice SQ and focused in the verry low end of sub sonics. I'm not into SPL so much but I think it will be more fun for me to focus on this and if I decide I went to far with the thumps in the trunk... well I can always pull it out and put it in the HT for LFE. You can never have too much there.

So what I I guess I am asking for is...

-Do you think a new Alt would be a wise purchase, considering the watts and perhaps HID lights put in, if so how many amps should I look at? Would a set of good Batts be as good or better?

-ANyone have a good guess on how much deadening I need and where I should really lawyer it on think?

-What sub(s) and enclosure(s) would lend itself to an SQ set up and be able to output at low HZ quite well?

-Any other electrical I should look at before I bite into this other than the big 3?

Thanks all for helping me brainstorm and giving ideas!

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you want to replace your factory wiring with 0ga, and for deadening, i have a 2001 expo. and we used about 200sqfeet for the basic deadening.


you think it's better to replace than double up then?

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