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whats best??

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ok guys i have a RF BD1500, birthsheet 1740 @1ohm, would 2 12" Q's or 1 15" BL be louder?? or is it possible for that to move a BTL a sufficient amount??

and also could you tell me what options to go with please

and finally if i get a duel 1 ohm, does that mean the amp sees it at .5 or 1 ohm? and the duel 2 at 1 or 2?

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(2) 12" Q's would be my vote, but that is enough power for a 15" BTL too.

For the Q, you can get the BP option if you want, but not required with the power you are running.

You would need dual 1 ohm coils. You wire the coils on each sub in series (making each sub 2 ohms), and then parallel the two subs making the final impedance 1 ohm.

For the BTL, I would add cooling, 3rd magnet, HiXmCoil, Daily, and Universal.

For a single sub, you would want a dual 2 ohm sub. Wire the coils in parallel for a 1 ohm load.


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alright thanks a lot Brian.

the 1 15 BTL would be louder SPL wise right? thats what i'm going for.

and ok, if i get the BTL duel 1 ohm, and i just run the wires to one channel, positive to positive, negative to negative, is the amp playing at 1 ohm??

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There would be a cone area advantage with 2 12s over 1 15. The potential to add more power would be with the 15, and if you could find room you could always add a 2nd 15 and amp. I'd get the 15 just out of preference, but enclosure could really determine which would get louder.

You should get the dual 2 ohm coils for the BTL (if that's what you go with), and wire it + to +, - to -, with a + and - for the amp. This would result in a 1 ohm final load.

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