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I know poly-fill makes a box act larger, but is there something u can

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Ok so my 10" JLW3v2 blew for no reason that i could tell the other day. I have it powered with the JL 250/1 monoblock

I bought the sub used on ebay a while ago and never tested both voice coils so I think one of them may have been bad because no wires were loose when I opened up the box, but anyway, enough about that sub.

Now I want a new sub and the Boston Acoustics G210-4 caught my eye. I like how it sounds tight and clean and it seems

like it'll match my amp well w/ a max RMS of 300 from the sub.

My problem is my current box is .71 cubic feet and on Boston's website and Crutchfield it says the sub wants .5 cubic ft (The calculation of the dimensions on their spec sheet equal .525 cb.ft. for sub displacement)

I haven't been keeping up w/ my car audio info much lately due to lack of time and being away at college, not being around a garage. Plus limited Funds (everyone's problem, I know). That's why I'm posting on here to find out what you guys think of

-re-using the box and if the difference in volume will be harmful for the sub since it wouldn't be powered at it's max of 300 or if it wouldn't sound crappy?

-filling the back of the box would be a reasonable idea (with a tube of liquid nails) to get it closer to the wanted dimensions?

-some better idea someone has?

I don't mean for this to sound far out (like the filling of the box with liquid nails) but I'd prefer to be able to re-use the box because of the ease, price, and I looked around onlin for a .5 cb.ft. box for a 10" and the smallest I can find pre-made is .65 and as I said before, I am unable to build my own box right now.

Thanks for Any Input/ criticism of use!

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The sub SHOULD (key word here) displace about .2 cubic feet of air in the box and make it approximatly .5 cubes.

IDEALLY it should get a new box, but this is up to YOUR discression, and our pocketbook.

Its always best to save for what you need and get it, rather than just "making do" but I know where you are coming from.


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You can just put a 2x4 in their to take up the space. Personally I'd try it out how it is first, but beware if BA is actually honest on their specs your power handling will be lower. If it sounds good go ahead and use it.

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  Godsmack said:
The sub SHOULD (key word here) displace about .2 cubic feet of air in the box and make it approximatly .5 cubes.

IDEALLY it should get a new box, but this is up to YOUR discression, and our pocketbook.

Its always best to save for what you need and get it, rather than just "making do" but I know where you are coming from.


Yeah i was thinking that would help but according to their spec sheet:


it makes it sound like it's including the displacement in the .5cu.ft.

I may just end up getting a new box. too bad there's not something like poly-fill that works in reverse like the foamm in a can. Thanks for your input!

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My friend has a couple G2 10s....very nice sounding subs. I like them.

You should be fine with the box as it is now...I wouldn't worry about getting into any mechanical troubles...this sub has a good amount of excursion.

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  ///M5 said:
You can just put a 2x4 in their to take up the space. Personally I'd try it out how it is first, but beware if BA is actually honest on their specs your power handling will be lower. If it sounds good go ahead and use it.

That's a good idea... it calls for 300RMS max & my amp only puts out 250 so i'll probably start a lilttle lower and take it form there, turning up the gain. I'll have to test it and see and then try to figure out... then if it sounds off i could probably liquid nail a two by four or some extra mdf in...

Too bad i can't just put a heavy-duty balloon in there hat could consume .2 cubic feet. haha

Thanks for the suggestion

Edited by toph31

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If anything, I prefer the sound of lower-Qtc, larger sealed enclosures, certainly over smaller ones...

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  JimJ said:
If anything, I prefer the sound of lower-Qtc, larger sealed enclosures, certainly over smaller ones...

Translation: Too big is way better than too small.

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