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wrecks wrecks wrecks

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sorry there not in order... hell there might even be doubles.. all these are wrecks that i worked. i dont allways have my cam with me. other wise i would have alot of crazy shots.. but these are sum. enjoy the twisted metel

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accidents are so fascinating. Must be a very interesting job.

I like the one of the towtruck towing a trucktruck with a car on it hahaha

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I like the Titan in the pond.

Yet further proof that Nissan's suck at wheeling. lol

Good pics dude, keep posting them as you take them

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Big John the wrecker. Very cool pictures, I like the same picture Casey does, the irony is great.

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Wow, scary to see that many truckers crashing. Just what I want a careening idiot driving a 30ton rig. :(

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alot of those 18 wheeler wrecks are CAUSED BY STUPID PEOPLE in small cars.

the titan was a fun job, that body of water the tha blanco river here in texas... the men were fishing, thair dog ... a dane,. knocked it out of gear. and the titan went swiming.

the truck towing a truck towing a car..... ahah .. i sent one of my drivers to the hill country to get a car... he was coming down a hill and had his foot in the gas, the idola pully ripped of the motor, and i had to go tow him in.. then i fired him.

it is a very fun job at times. if i todl you all the sick sad chit i have seen some people may cry.

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Please PM me about said sick satuff


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well dead babies are allways the hardest. second hardest is burned flesh... when a human burns inside a car or truck it is the worst smell on the earth, i have alot of storys but ill give one up...

i got a PD rotation on a Tbone wreck on a country rd, i show up there is a convertable mustang on its top and a lancer in a ditch, the Fire fighters tell me that i have to roll it over for them to get the people out, so i hook up, and i start to winch the heap of steal over, and when i bring it all the way over the car rolls back on to its wheels and at the same time a life less head flops out of the car held by her waiest is a young girl, her hair touching the road, as her mouth is open blood comes out and dripps on to the pavement and pools in her hair..... the guy driving was dead aswell...... but he had been in many many wrecks and alot of people know that he would die in a mustang, ... three days later the guys dad comes to pay for the junk that remains of his sons mustang... i ask the man why? why take it to your house to remind your self everyday of what you have lost.... he said nothing.. only " load it up lets go as he started to cry as he turned.... so i did .. i loaded it up and followed the man to his house.... as we neared i know that he had to be close..... wrecked mustang... nother wrecked.. wrecked wrecked.. a total of 5.... and another on my wrecker bed.... .i asked the man where he wanted it... in his driveway he said,...... in front of the door... where he walked out of his house day anfter day....

i know never understand it.. but its all true.


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damn that chits' crazy.

we need more stories. :)

oh and do we get any free tow passes?? lawl.

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Damn man...............I never knew it was such a.............mentally exhusting and potentially psychotic job man.............

Sounds like this job would make Iraq easier if u had worked ur gig before man.


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well i cant say anything about iraq, but i can say that i never thought that wrecker driving was such a load, on your mind body and the way it makes a person look at life.....

but i will do a story a day!.

2 years ago, i got a call on the interstate a wreck... its 4 am, i pull up and i see a caddy, in two..... and thee sheets on the highway, i get out aproch a deputy, i ask him whats up... he tells me to stand by, were waiting on the funreal home....... i start looking around with the cops, hears what happend... there was a man his wife, her sister... and the man and wifes two young kidds.... the driver dad was drunk, mom was drunk, kidds were asleep and the ladys sister was sobor... the man fell asleep... went off the road, over corected and hit a light pole with suck force that it riped the car like a can, and threw EVERYONE out, one of the kidds was ran over, the other died on inpact, every one died but the drunk ass dad. kidds lost there life, neither of them were older then 6 years.

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damn. i couldn't live with that on my back if i were that father. I'd probably kill myself shortly.

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The rolled Mustang story is disturbing :unsure:

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another story,

......i got a wreck and i pull up and i know somthing is up because thay have lights set up lighting the feild,,,, so i look around and there sa sheet in the feild. IE a dead body.....

heeres how it went down... this guy.. well known in the town.. went to the bar to drink to celebrate... his new born child...... he left the bar and was going home when around a curve he went off the road and over corrected, sent him into a spin when he sup out he fliped over... his body went tru the winshild as the car roll ontop of the half of his body that was out of the car... when it made another roll it threw his lifless body 25 feet into the feild.......

a good man.. left a wife three kidds and a new born 4 days old.

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The best wrecks are taxi's...guaranteed to be some coins under the back seat every time.

Its what we like to call a " CC" or change check ;)

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been a week or so.. i have been so very busy with work and personal life, i have family that moved in with me so i have a very full house for the next few months, but here are a few shots of what work has been like,

i made the front page of the news paper here is the link www.sanmarcosrecord.com/

there are two of my wrecks in the paper... one is a 18 wheeler postal truck that wrecked and burned, and the second was a chicken truck.


and then i had a airplane crash land.. they needed me to lift the plane so that could maunaly force the landing gear down,, here are some pics of that.



there ya are.

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yeah he was in one of the pics... he was just fine.. an old VET, im sure this was not his first crash landing.

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yeah he was in one of the pics... he was just fine.. an old VET, im sure this was not his first crash landing.


Good news for him. airplane > car


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Good shit man............good shit

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Dang man some crazy stuff, worst thing I've seen was a dude get ran over by a greyhound bus.

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