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dem beats

Car security

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I have been thinking about how I will work on my 98 expedition, and now that I put my deck in i'm getting nervous about theft. I had planned on throwing in speakers, but recent life events really put a crunch on funds and time. I just got done with the bulk of the tragedy but I still have some time before I can come back fiscaly. Which is why I want security for my vehicle. I actualy have it parked in a security monitered area at work now and in a high high traffic place. No more work theft I think, and it's parked outside my bedroom window at home, but I'm still skeptical if I end up somewhere else. I currently have a system of when I remove my face plate I have a sheild that I use to drop over the deck so no one can even see the fact that I have a deck, it's pretty nice now and I will be glassing everything en eventualy but I'm keeping things open for a carputer in the next few months, and I will be going active (thanks M5 and everyone the pio is an amazing user friendly deck).

I couldn't find a solid recent thread about the ins and outs of car security systems, and I think it's something all of us should look into as a measure of safety. If they want it no alarm will stop them, especialy if they are pro, but it helps to have another layer of defence. Just like with my wireless a pro can get in but if they can get my 64 bit incryption or 64 character random pass and my IP to connect... well, they are pro and nothing I can do.

Anyway, I want to know what your opinions are on the best systems, and why. Also I am not so sure I want automatic start. My expedition uses the pass system and I guess to use remote start I have to black box bypass the natural security in the truck with a blank. That makes me skeptical, whats stopping them from driving off other than the park? I have the car start on mine currently (no security system just locks and start) but with no box it just attempts to start 3 times and with no fuel dies. Also is the install possible for someone with minimum knowledge? I can get mch better prices online, but then I have to be the one doing the install and i'm pretty skeptical about my skills when it comes to that portion. Much different than speakers. What features do you guys feel are the most important, and what companies are the most trusted by everyone?

Thanks for all the help.. oh and I know tint must be done, it will be. I just love the slightly reflective tint that came on my EB edition I hate to have it darkened it looks perfect as is to me.. but I will soon.

Sweet I just hit post 100 with this WOOOT!

Edited by dem beats

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I've always wondered the benefits of tint. Part of me thinks that really dark tint is an invitation in itself - saying "I've got something I want to hide in here, break my windows". Whereas leaving the exterior as stock as possible blends in to the crowd. But expensive-looking wheels and the like are also really good clues...

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I would recommend you pay an experienced alarm installer to install your alarm when you finally get set on one.

You seem pretty concered about theft, you're either in a bad part of town or you worry a lot. Before looking at an alarm you should double check on your insurance coverage and be sure you know what is covered, what is not, and what other insurance options you have. Having good insurance first, will of course insure your mindstate of theft.

As far as an alarm, determine if you really want a remote start or not. Your vehicle might be a more involved then others, but if you're paying someone to do it right why worry about it? I suggest you purchase a 2-way alarm from a major alarm company (DEI, CompuStar, CODE). I suggest this because most of the time, you'll be in range of your car and your 2-way alarm will keep you notified of your vehicles status. It'll wake you up at night, or alert you in an area where you may not be able to hear your vehicles siren. If someone bumps your vehicle, but doesn't set the alarm completely off, your 2-way will still warn you that you had a light impact. Having a 1-way alarm will just leave you in the dark, and unaware if you're not within hearing range of your vehicle. Also don't be cheap with an alarm, if you cannot afford the one you like, save your money and don't install gear untill you can. I bought my alarm on ebay, and got a super deal.

Review -

  • Get fimiliar with your insurance policy (know whats covered)
  • Determine if you want a remote start and if you'd use it (they normally cost more)
  • Research 2-way alarm's from major alarm companies and compare features
  • Purchase, and pay an experienced alarm technician to install your alarm
  • Sleep well at night

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Also, it wouldnt hurt to research this-


That's who i went through when i got my security film.

Especially if you got a pager on your alarm, you can feel safe that the potential of actual theft decreases dramatically. Vandalism is the only thing that would really happen at this point.

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  JimJ said:
I've always wondered the benefits of tint. Part of me thinks that really dark tint is an invitation in itself - saying "I've got something I want to hide in here, break my windows". Whereas leaving the exterior as stock as possible blends in to the crowd. But expensive-looking wheels and the like are also really good clues...

I feel the same way.... I will not put rims etc on the vehicle. Off road lights or a lift, but more north woods than pimpin down the street if everything. I go often to some property up north and it's nice to have some fun in the dirt.

Kick, Yeah I do worry. Insurance is fine I'm covered as can be. I'm most just concerned about someone fookin around with an instal. $$ isn't the real issue. I park in safe places, but I'm just realistic about the fact anytime anywhere someone can be a jack a$$. Even the nicest gated burbclave isn't safe.

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