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Help Tuning Viper 1200

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can some one help me tune my viper 1200.1d. i have it with a 15" D2 in about 2.2 ft^3 sealed(home made). i don't have a head unit (just plain stock) so i have a Navone N-7v line output converter. i mostly listen to rock. This is my very first install. i don't have the box capetted yet. ;) soon i hope




Edited by viper_04649

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Tuning? What's to tune? Does it have bassboost or a built-in Eq or something? I'm confused.

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Tuning? What's to tune? Does it have bassboost or a built-in Eq or something? I'm confused.

i mean like the frequency, gain, and phase. i am not sure about these...and yes it has a bassboost

p.s. the LOC has a ajustment knob

Edited by viper_04649

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LOC is probably a level control for the RCA output voltage. Does it give you some sort or range in the paperwork or on the LOC itself? That will determine where you will be setting the gain at. As for the boost, don't use it unless you need it.

Crossover frequency? A good starting point I suggest is 80Hz. It's really dependant upon the rest of your system though. I take it you're just running the rest of the factory gear? If that's the case, you may want to set it a little higher, but it's ultimately up to you. Phase you will have to do by ear as well. See what suits you the best.

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there is a member on here with the exact amp and sub that you have I believe

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Honestly I don't think even a guy with the same sub and amp would help you. Because his gain won't be at the same level unless his input voltage is the same as yours, and his crossover could be at a different level because of how good his mids are or what vehicle he's in, any eq'ing would be different because of vehicle as well.

We can give you general ideas, but ultimately it will be up to you to tune, unless you can find somebody who will physically do it for you.

Your LOC's output is variable, correct? so you should be able to match the amp's gain with that, approximately by looks, or more precisely with a voltmeter.

Your crossover, start at 80 or so. if your mids are strong and can play lower, drop the xover for the sub.

Leave any EQ'ing flat, then you'll just have to listen. if you think it's too strong in the upper bass, lower the EQ there or lower the crossover (lower/raise the EQ level for any other peaks/valleys). bassboost leave off.

phase, again you will just have to play with it. turn it to 0, listen to it. turn it to 180, see if it lags behind or is more precise then.

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I have the same setup as far as an amp and sub. My gain is at 3/4 and my remote gain is usually about 1/2, but yours will be different. My freq is at about 70hz, but your settings will vary there as well. Bass EQ is at 0. phase is 0 my subsonic is off, but I am running a sealed box so you may want it on. Hope that helps some. Do you have an owners manual for the amp? If not I have it in pdf format.

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