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Sundown demos in SOCAL

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I am offering up people to listen Sundown products in Centrla/S. California. I am now a firm believer in Sundown and am willing to let anyone that wants to listen to my SQ orientated truck running the 100.4 and 1500D. Keep in mind this is a SQ truck with the ability to get to decent loud volumes. I am a Sq compeitor and hence my reasoning about setting up Sundown amps in that fashion. I look at it this way, if I can make it sound good, REALLY GOOD, and do it at 2 ohms and not take advantage of dropping the impedence for full power then I think you can imagine the "output" with full power. I am still thinking about building up a DB car to show the true impact of this product but I need another car like I need a another hole my head. I will make a believer out of you, these amps suprised the living s**t outta me.

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Guest zedman

How does it compare to your Zed audio amps?

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How does it compare to your Zed audio amps?

Drivers are 2-10" Image Dynamics IDQ's of of the 1500D @ 2 ohms and the 100.4 is running a set of Zapco Reference (red) 6.5" components fully active. I built the truck to show what can be done with a small (in my eyes) investment. I have roughly 100ft^3 of deadening is all. It is installed in a 2007 Toyota Tacoma, and if you have ever tried working on one it is a major pain in the butt because of space limitations. Let's put it this way, my subs only have .48ft^2 each due to limitations but sound awesome! The amps them selves take up as much room as my subs and the amps for what they are, aren't all that big.

Compared to my Zeds? Um, I will only say I am definatley impressed and have NOTHING to complain about. Truly transparent amps that do what they are intended to do without any added "color" I think is the way to put it. If you are int he area come and take a listen, opf course it is no competition quality car but I think for 99% of people it is MORE than they would need in their every day vehicle.

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I would like a listen. Are you around Ontario by any chance?

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I would like a listen. Are you around Ontario by any chance?

Not near Ontario but I get down there every now and again. If, I get that direction I will definatly try to get in touch. PM if you want to chat about it.

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I would like a listen. Are you around Ontario by any chance?

Where in Ontario do you live by chance? I live in claremont (no i am not), i would like to hear ur setup with the Fi.


If your every down in this area let me know too. Im thinking about doing 2 1000 with either 2 10/12" icons, or a 10" Bl.

Edited by blue86f150

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thought I would bring this thread back to life. I am also willing to offer up Sundown amp demos in your system. We install it/them and listen for yourslf. I stock all of them minus the 3000D

Edited by atsaubrey

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Probably more people in this state than any other and no one yet has taken the demo, heck lets call it a challenge. Bring your current system, let stick a comparable sundown in there and you make the decision. :neil:

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I would love to take you up on the challange (knowing that i would lose), but you are according to google earth you are 215 mi

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ask ///////m5 and a few others who win sq comps to see what they think.... and 2 ohms should have a lower thd anyways.

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I'm still up for it if you get down this far

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