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Firing forward, what sub exactly?

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I didnt know what to make the topic but u guys gotta see this.

I plan on firing forward and came across this over at ROE and was shocked...


Since by ear i am not going to hear low bass as good as if i fired back, and anything over 60hz is nonsense coming out of a sub to me anyway, am i reading that right?

It sucks that they didn't have a BL in that test too but i am rather shocked at a comparison of the q to the btl with double the power difference.

I'm still wanting a BL but i noticed according to this chart, right at Fs of the BTL, it drops its output by a noticeable amount. 10hz in either direction it picks it back up.

I want a 10" bl but it resonates right around where the 12" BTL does.

As you might be able to tell, i like loud as possible.

I might have to go with 10" q's correct?

My previous goal was 3 10" BLs off of 4,000w.

But 3" 10 qs might be louder.

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