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anyone experience with JL amps?

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O.K. I own a JL 300/4 and the amp has been cutting in and out. Sometimes the power light stays on but the music sounds as if it's muted. Other times the amp shuts down completly. The local shop that installed the amp ran 8 guage power and ground wires off my second battery in the rear (kinetic 800). Is the amp not getting enough current or is it dying? Any suggestions are appreciated. I'm thinking of saying screw the JL amps and going with Sundown!

BTW the rest of my equipment is in my sig.

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the Jl amp has a feture that shuts the amp down when your RCA input is low... check your settings...

also. i have a jl 1000/1 that i bought from this guy he said he wont work!..... i took it home tryed it for my self.. then i took it apart... un plugged all the boards.. and plugged them back in.. hook it up never had another problem again....

also.. the jl amps will not work if you just have a wire jumped from the + input over to the remote.... so check your remote power and see how many volts it is.. perhaps try another remote source.

i use a 300/4 currenty.. the only jl i kept. it works great. i have never had a problem with it... but dont give up on it. it most likly a simple problem.

i use sundown audio aswell... great great amps.

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you know what i just thought about it i did have that exact problem your talking about... check it out...

i have 2 cells in the back one in the front.. i have a dual battery isolator. the output from the isolator to the rear cells was fryed... to after my amp played most the power from the rear cells.. the amp still played but it had a muffled sound and it allso sounded kinda scratchie.... check your power

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I'd check your voltage and obviously your grounds.

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I don't have any way to check the voltage right now. I did get back and check my power and ground wires and they all are secure. I think the problem may be in the remote wire from my hu. I have a buddy coming out to help me so maybe he'll have the necessary equipment to check everything. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions so far.

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Well, my ground wasn't very good. M5 is the man! Just needed to get the paint off and get a better ground. Thanks again for all the help!

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Let this be a lesson to all who read this thread :)

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