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SI Computer Donation

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I have a maximum of $5 and a paypal account...

I honestly do appreciate your concern and efforts to contribute...but I don't want you to contribute to something when you only have 1 post here...I do very sincerely appreciate the thought, but at the same time, could never ever have a conscience to take your money with your "newness" to this board....stick it out for a while...and I may reconsider it...

Again...nothing personal at all...if I could take it, I would...but not from you....YET... ;)

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PM me an addy I'll find a way to donate to the cause. And I'll check and see what we have at the shop when i get home around the 15th.


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Will you shoot me the Paypal addy?



PM me an addy I'll find a way to donate to the cause. And I'll check and see what we have at the shop when i get home around the 15th.


[email protected] for a paypal payment...

Whom ever does send payment...will get naked pictures....

of nick.

and hollis.


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how did i get put into this discussion?? and how did the naked pics leak out onto the net? :blink:

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and I was worried for a moment...


My name is....



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Hey Clarke, how about actually sending that computer our way?  :)

i heard Clarke eats his own farts

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how does that work exactly?

have you seen this phenonmenom?

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how does that work exactly?

have you seen this phenonmenom?

:huh: Your kidding right? You really want to know that...Tom...you ARE and odd one. ;)

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Nick, you're best to call him, and even that is a long shot. He usually returns your call when you're busy and can't answer.

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