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Fi's breaking?

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im new to Fi and i have been reading about them and watching vids and they seem like great overall subs but i also have been reading posts and i keep seeing posts wanting parts or wanting to know how to fix them. From seeing these posts it makes me wonder if these are dependable subs or not?

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yes thay are.. the poeple that you see asking for repair parts either pound there subs ALOT, clip them daily... or thay are spl achivers. all subs break.. you can have FI's re built.

also alot of people use Fi recone soft parts with other motor because thay are bettter

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See thats the bad thing about being a internet only company. Most people contact the owner through this forum, and you see alot of sub's that have broke.

When the percent of actually breaking per owned is very little.

People just don't post when there 100% happy with the sub, as often as somebody that is having problems.

Just something for youto think about.

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They'll break if you're stupid with them, like any speaker.

Don't abuse your stuff, and you won't have woofers failing on you...I have an almost five-year-old eD e12a.22 that hasn't had one thing go wrong with it.

We were putting 10kW into a BTL during the Great 12 Challenge and still couldn't cook it thermally, had to go a full octave below tuning to break it mechanically...we were causing the battery bolts to literally smoke. So when people say they've damaged BTLs in a non-competition environment, I really have to question how out-of-touch they are with system setup.

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I agree Jim.

x2 i have fi's and i lovem

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hmm yea everything you guys say does make sense, thanks for clearing it up for me i can now continue to dream about my future subs :santa:

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Yep, they do... but as mentioned you have to do some silly stuff to them to get them to break. We are constantly tweaking things to ensure the best $$$ to performance ration we can. I definitley underrate everything to make sure that we dont have any issues...

Welcome to the site :)



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I agree with Jim, I think I made a similar post in the AA section about driving them past their limits.

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Yep, they do... but as mentioned you have to do some silly stuff to them to get them to break. We are constantly tweaking things to ensure the best $$$ to performance ration we can. I definitley underrate everything to make sure that we dont have any issues...

Welcome to the site :)



Also, you know its pimp, when you can talk to the owner of the company directly.


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Yep, they do... but as mentioned you have to do some silly stuff to them to get them to break. We are constantly tweaking things to ensure the best $$$ to performance ration we can. I definitley underrate everything to make sure that we dont have any issues...

Welcome to the site :)



Also, you know its pimp, when you can talk to the owner of the company directly.


All I can say is Scott is a bad to the bone designer and if you break one of his subs your doing something wrong....it aint the subs fault.

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I am one of those ppl always looking for repair/recone kits... thats just what I do... I take old broken subs and rebuild them to be better than original most of the time... I can even recone an old style Audiobahn Immortal simply by slapping a 12 spoke basket on it and gettin good ol' Scott to hook me up with some soft parts... I use their parts simply cause they are so damn strong! Use rarely breaks a sub... stupidity most often :) such as ppl not knowing how to design a box and then driving subs well past their ratings.

once again ... thanx Scott and the rest of Fi for the parts.

btw if u can say abuse then u'll know what im thinking... Scotty special built BTLs 4 15's took 8 American Bass 500.1s NO PROBLEM...

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I am one of those ppl always looking for repair/recone kits... thats just what I do... I take old broken subs and rebuild them to be better than original most of the time... I can even recone an old style Audiobahn Immortal simply by slapping a 12 spoke basket on it and gettin good ol' Scott to hook me up with some soft parts... I use their parts simply cause they are so damn strong! Use rarely breaks a sub... stupidity most often :) such as ppl not knowing how to design a box and then driving subs well past their ratings.

once again ... thanx Scott and the rest of Fi for the parts.

btw if u can say abuse then u'll know what im thinking... Scotty special built BTLs 4 15's took 8 American Bass 500.1s NO PROBLEM... they wanted more

Edited by MTA

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