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tryin to catch me ridin dirty.

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i have a company truck. so i dont drive my car very offten... my sister is living with me and i have to pick her up from work, so me and my boy BG jump in the lincoln and beat the streets, i pick my sister up and cruse by the local car wash where them boys hang out at... i ride by and stop at a store to find a few good tracks on my mp3 disk, i watch as a K9 and a marked car drive by... i wait another second and 2 more markeds drive by.. it looks bad so i burn off.. i slide by the car wash one more time, and let them boys feel the FI's i cutt it back down stop at a light and i see a cop car behind me,, i figure thay got me.. fine i can deal with that... but thay dont hit the lights thay just follow me, i figure thay are runnin th plates 2 miles down the road thay lightem up on me. so i pull to the side shut my car off and roll down the limo tinted windows to make the cop feel at ease.

she comes up and ask me who owns the car.. i cay i do. she laughs and ask me for the licance insure blah blah.. so she asked me DO YOU HAVE A JOB? i laugh at her and say of course. she ask me if she can search the car i say yeah i have nothing to hide, and that i have come to expect it driving the car that i have.. she say thats not the reason.. i ask her then what is.. with out telling me why she pulled me over she called for a k9 unit , withen SECONDS a k9 pulls up. i tell the cop to make sure the dog dies not scratch my car.. just as i said so the dog jumps up and leave a long nail mark on my black car, the cop tells me nah this is a pretty goo ddog.. i yell your dog just scratched my car.... he goes on about the search, keep in mind i dont ride dirty..,..... so 10 mins later the damn dog is still in my car.. and he keeps hitting on somthing .. thay start pulling and tugging on my headrest screens, yell to the cops IF YOU NEED SOMTHING REMOVED I WILL REMOVE IT. thay say no thats ok... so he asked who smokes menthos i say ME.... seconds later WHOS CELL PHONE IS THIS.... i say ME..... he keeps that damn dog in my car for another 5 mins. and then tells me that i need to watch what i do... i say what? he iggnores me. the cops find nothing.. but tell me that my menthos and my phone smell like somthing...i say what does it smell like.. he says i dont know... then i ask him what the hell are you talking about then. he tells me the dog smells somthing... i say where is it. he iggnores me. so the cop tells me i can be on my way. after telling me that while off duty she seen and felt my music, and that i need to turn it down, i tell her i dont know what shes talking about.. and then oi get in my car and all my ciggs are all wet and chewed, my car is a mes theres dg hair everywhere with drul and wet dog smell on my leather.. and lets not forget the scratch!.

this has happend to me a few times. and if you avrage it out... i get pulled over for nothing about 75 persent of the time. no tickets no warnings just harrasment

edit: let me allso add that im not that guy that pulls up at the red light and just wangs... no no .. i live in a college town in the midde of texas.. i ride in the county and let it waile.. but you know som times you have to let it hang out between the lights..... but im not disrespectfull with my power. i want nothing more then to fuel the hate on subwoofers..

Edited by bigjon

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Hanging out at the car wash might be something you shouldn't do. Also letting them boys feel the FI's also might be something you should stop doing. Until you quit both, I am not so sure I'd call it harassment. Perhaps think of it from their perspective and what stereotype you are fitting yourself in. They obviously have you pegged as a drug dealer and while I am a big believer in if it looks like, if it smells like, it must be I do realize this isn't always the case. If you changed your habits I do guarantee they wouldn't be bugging on you though. Sorry for the hassle. The stereotype I fit into is of course people who drive fast, and you bet I get bugged for that all the time :(

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Hanging out at the car wash might be something you shouldn't do. Also letting them boys feel the FI's also might be something you should stop doing. Until you quit both, I am not so sure I'd call it harassment. Perhaps think of it from their perspective and what stereotype you are fitting yourself in. They obviously have you pegged as a drug dealer and while I am a big believer in if it looks like, if it smells like, it must be I do realize this isn't always the case. If you changed your habits I do guarantee they wouldn't be bugging on you though. Sorry for the hassle. The stereotype I fit into is of course people who drive fast, and you bet I get bugged for that all the time :(

no sir i have never been ticketed for loud music. nor to i hang out at the car wash, drive by! the car wash with out stopping,

i do not act look not smell like a drug dealer, im young i work hard and i make good money. i never drive my car and i allways get pulled over... THERE IS No reason why i get pulled over. thay allways say it looks like my inspection is out.. but it never is!.... there is no reason why i should get pulled over for having a nice car, that looks dope boyish... what ever happend to a reasonable cause. age and rim size is not a reasonabile cause.

like i said,... i know that it will happen somtimes. but all the time? come on.

i bet you do .. i have a friend that had a bad ass mustang and he would allways get pulled over. for gobs of things he didnt do.... sucks man i bet having that red m5 dont help not a bit! those are clean ass cars by the way.. you never post any pics of it?

Edited by bigjon

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I didn't mean to imply you acted like a drug dealer, what I meant was that by driving a Lincoln with big rims, with loud music, in an area where "the boys" hang out you are inadvertently looking like a drug dealer. And of course, the 5 slow don't know any better :( If they would actually focus on solving real crime instead of being a social menace it would be great in my book.

As for pics, there are definitely a bunch floating around on here.

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Next time they ask to search your car.. say no. They have to ask if they have nothing on you so that they can get consent to possibly find something. Did you know that there are tards out there that do ride dirty that actually believe they have to let them search?

They can't even search it if its for a simple speeding ticket or disturbance. The only time they can search it without consent is when you get arrested for a felony.

(I went to school for this)

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but you know som times you have to let it hang out between the lights...

I've never really felt that way. Ever.

I don't know, I've never particularly had any problems with police. When I've been pulled over it's because I was doing something stupid/illegal at the time, I knew it, they've been nice to me, that's it. Never been searched, even though I have a prime vehicle for them to do it to - hell, even when I got pulled over with untold cases of beer freshman year on campus they didn't search anything, I didn't even get anything written for that one.

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I don't care for the police.... :madrofl:

let that be known.

I was once pulled over for a license plate that was crooked...? WTF?

I sure as sh*t would let some dog search my car, and would deffinatley fight that chit . & make them pay for the cleaning...WTF??????

profiling is one thing... but if you f*ck up my car...ur paying 4 it!!!

dude, get a badge #, and name next time.... if your any bit concerned...

Asking that will make them think twice...

just try...man.

Edited by brent338

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johnecon2001, i'm not so sure..

I seen this episode of cops one time where a cop asked if he can search this guys truck. He said no. The cop politely said, sir, because you have said no, this gives me probable cause that you are hiding something so he handcuffed him and made him sit down while searching his truck.

I got pulled over a long time ago, bout 9 yrs ago for doin 56 in a 35. He asked if he can search the car, i said why? He said because if u don't i'm given you a ticket, hehe, i said go ahead. Of course he didnt find anything so he just let me go.

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Next time they ask to search your car.. say no. They have to ask if they have nothing on you so that they can get consent to possibly find something. Did you know that there are tards out there that do ride dirty that actually believe they have to let them search?

They can't even search it if its for a simple speeding ticket or disturbance. The only time they can search it without consent is when you get arrested for a felony.

(I went to school for this)


Never, ever, ever ever ever ever say YES! (that was my best Chris Tucker impersonation)


Because the police have the burden in court to prove that they had probable cause to search your car. The first thing your attorney will want to figure out is if the police had violated your rights and performed a illegal search. If they did, and your attorney proves it, then anything and everything they found in that illegal search can not be used against you in a court of law. Including, but not limited to, a dead body in your trunk.

And I speak from experience, just saying no saved my ass twice!

Edited by Big Shot

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well in texas as far as i know.. if you say NO... then an officer wont serch... a K9 will...

i said yes to the search because i had nothing to hide..... and this was in the city i live in.. i figure thay do it once maybe word gets around to the cops that i gave no problem and that thay found nothing... not a roach not ANYTHING........

the other times i get pulled over are allways in other towns or citys...

ill have to check the texas law on seching cars... i know i singed somthing when i got my licance here in texas that stated if i said NO to somthing i would lose my licance... maybe that was a sobriaty test

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johnecon2001, i'm not so sure..

I seen this episode of cops one time where a cop asked if he can search this guys truck. He said no. The cop politely said, sir, because you have said no, this gives me probable cause that you are hiding something so he handcuffed him and made him sit down while searching his truck.

I got pulled over a long time ago, bout 9 yrs ago for doin 56 in a 35. He asked if he can search the car, i said why? He said because if u don't i'm given you a ticket, hehe, i said go ahead. Of course he didnt find anything so he just let me go.

Dude... It's COPS. The only reason that show is on TV is to make the Police and Rednecks everywhere look stupid.

There is a reason you rarely ever see Scottsdale PD (arizona) or Department of Public Safety (az again) on the show is be because they rarely fuck up. I'm sure they do some times, but if you're being filmed for TV.. they take it right out of the book.

Now as far as what happened to you.. He was threatening you. It's your fault for letting him get away with that regardless if it did any harm or not.

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you can say NO, you have harrassed me enuff and inform them that they need a warrant...

you have the right to refuse a search without cause.

you have RIGHTS and they dont want you to know this...

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you can say NO, you have harrassed me enuff and inform them that they need a warrant...

you have the right to refuse a search without cause.

you have RIGHTS and they dont want you to know this...

Your right.

But if you say no, they can/will call up the Judge, and get a warranty. No problem. Now you have to sit and wait for it to get there.

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you can say NO, you have harrassed me enuff and inform them that they need a warrant...

you have the right to refuse a search without cause.

you have RIGHTS and they dont want you to know this...

Your right.

But if you say no, they can/will call up the Judge, and get a warranty. No problem. Now you have to sit and wait for it to get there.

and thats the problem.... time is money for me.. so being pulled over while it will cost me time... as long as thay keep it so a min. it will be ok... but an hour or longer drawn out deal over NOTHING is stupid.

thay have never founs anything i havent been arrested in 9 years. its just a big ass game

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my point was after they get the warrant and find NOTHING now you have grounds to sue, or @ least get a decition by the judge to get them to quit harassing you...

how many times you think the judge will issue a BOGUS warrant ?

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well in texas as far as i know.. if you say NO... then an officer wont serch... a K9 will...

if they bring a K9 and you don't give them permission, all they can do is walk around the outside of the car, at a reasonable distance (can't remember exact term, but it's like shared space). if they get near or in he car without permission, it's an illegal search. if, at a reasonable distance, the dog hits on something, they now have probable cause and can search without permission.

one of my best friends is a K9 officer. this has been explained to us on several occasions for various reasons, lol. (yep, i've ridden very dirty) and IIRC, 5ft or so is considered reasonable space, but hell, who knows? i'll ask daric and see what he says.

ps, and not to harp on the OP too bad. but if you roll the way you type, you are indeed stereotyping yourself. it doesn't help to roll in a lincoln on 22s(or whatever size they are) either. but you are indeed setting yourself up for those type of situations, right or wrong.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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ps, and not to harp on the OP too bad. but if you roll the way you type, you are indeed stereotyping yourself. it doesn't help to roll in a lincoln on 22s(or whatever size they are) either. but you are indeed setting yourself up for those type of situations, right or wrong.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:


Hate to say it but lose the rims and ghetto image. I know its your "style" and all but its gonna attract police more often then not. Sucks i know but its how it is...

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This wouldn't be in....say......Houston.......would it?

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Its all bs.

Ive got searched once. For no reason at all.

Went through roadblock, and decided to pick me, after talked to the officers for couple mins, and they understand who I knew, they quit searching and tol me to leave.

Oh there excuse was, I slowed way down before I got close to them. I guess its getting bad, when Im trying to be safe, and get searched for it.

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you can say NO, you have harrassed me enuff and inform them that they need a warrant...

you have the right to refuse a search without cause.

you have RIGHTS and they dont want you to know this...

Your right.

But if you say no, they can/will call up the Judge, and get a warranty. No problem. Now you have to sit and wait for it to get there.

The officer still needs probable cause to ask the Judge for a warrant. Not a chance he'll get it if he has to ask to search your car.

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johnecon2001, i'm not so sure..

I seen this episode of cops one time where a cop asked if he can search this guys truck. He said no. The cop politely said, sir, because you have said no, this gives me probable cause that you are hiding something so he handcuffed him and made him sit down while searching his truck.

I got pulled over a long time ago, bout 9 yrs ago for doin 56 in a 35. He asked if he can search the car, i said why? He said because if u don't i'm given you a ticket, hehe, i said go ahead. Of course he didnt find anything so he just let me go.

Dude... It's COPS. The only reason that show is on TV is to make the Police and Rednecks everywhere look stupid.

There is a reason you rarely ever see Scottsdale PD (arizona) or Department of Public Safety (az again) on the show is be because they rarely fuck up. I'm sure they do some times, but if you're being filmed for TV.. they take it right out of the book.

Now as far as what happened to you.. He was threatening you. It's your fault for letting him get away with that regardless if it did any harm or not.

The demanding a warrant thing saved my ass from Scottsdale PD once.

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you can say NO, you have harrassed me enuff and inform them that they need a warrant...

you have the right to refuse a search without cause.

you have RIGHTS and they dont want you to know this...

Your right.

But if you say no, they can/will call up the Judge, and get a warranty. No problem. Now you have to sit and wait for it to get there.

The officer still needs probable cause to ask the Judge for a warrant. Not a chance he'll get it if he has to ask to search your car.

Probable cause, saying no, when asked to search your car.


Edited by ford302redneck

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That's not probable cause. That's exercising a right.

"erm Mr. Judge sir, can I have a warrant to search this guys car?" "Do you have probable cause?" "well he told me 'no' I couldn't search his car"....

The judge would laugh.

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That's not probable cause. That's exercising a right.

"erm Mr. Judge sir, can I have a warrant to search this guys car?" "Do you have probable cause?" "well he told me 'no' I couldn't search his car"....

The judge would laugh.

not around here my friend.

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no F.in way im not gonna own what i enjoy because someone thinks that i sell drugs, not gonna happend. thats foolish.

thats like sayin you should never carry a walet if you dont like to be robbed.

and i said them boys cause i didnt figure you wanted me to name them.. and i said feel my Fi's becasue THAY DO!. its not slag its all facts.

reply to mr ray. edit.

Edited by bigjon

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