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bl 12 with cooling or with-out?

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I am a new fan of FI CAR AUDIO and I just placed an order for a single BL 12" woofer. I also added the dual2, pchamfer,and the flatwind options. I plan on using it for daily "pounding" and at this time no SPL applications (maybe later with different project car!). The amp I have is a Rockford Fosgate 1000rms amp. I will definately upgrade to (2) speakers and possibly a second RF 1000rms amp when money permits!!! My questions are these: Should I have also included the "cooling option" in the purchase of my BL 12? and can I still add it now? or is it too late? If poss. (and it is recommended) then I would like to do so. Please inform me to how.

Also do you have any reccomendations or poss. design(s) for a ported speaker enclosure for the trunk of a 2006 ford focus zx4 for this BL 12 speaker? Your technical forum suggested between 1.8-2.5 cu. ft tuned to 32 hz......is this your suggestions? THANK-YOU FOR TIME AND HELP!!!

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If the Tech specs listed on Ficaraudio.com recommend that box size.. I'd guess that's what they suggest.

We also can't recommend box sizes or dimensions without knowing what room you have to work with.

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