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hissing noise help please

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first of all im sorry if i missed the forum, mod please move it if i did

second..ok here goes:(


ok, pls take the time to read this.

i have developed a hissing sound on my front speakers lately. i say lately because when i installed the amp it wasn't there..its not much, on the majority of the songs i cant hear it, but on some its annoying.

the only thing i changed is up the gain on my front amp speakers, but not enough to clip. now it doesn't matter where the gains are set the hiss increases with the hu's volume.

i've had engine whine problems before and it drove me insane and this isn't it, more like static.

power and ground are 35mm^2(2 awg i think) till the trunk, distributing into 10mm^2(? awg) to the amps. im losing aprox 0.3-4 volts on the cable at full tilt from the bat to the trunk(my dmm is not 100% accurate tho). i reinfocrced the ground from bat to the engine with 35mm^2, the ground in the trunk is taken from the seat belt motor.

and when ever i power up the amps i hear a slight bump on the subs. besides running another 2 awg cable directly from the bat for ground thats the best i coud find. im guessing its bad ground, what do you guys think?

edit: when i turn up the volume on the HU i hear a barely noticable cracking sound, which as far as i know has to be bad ground...

any input is welcome

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the hiss is not engine related, and between songs its non existant, you can hear it fade out with the song..and its different intensity for each song..i thought it was a bad song at first but i tried original CD's, audio burned, mp3's the works..and its the same

edit: and its the same if i play it from and usb stick and a cd

Edited by mile098

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Guest zedman

your deck (hu) probably mutes the output when no material is present. it could definatly be a bad ground or something wrong with the (hu) deck.


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