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So I'm really considering picking up two 12" RL-Ps for the new car. I've been reading through the forum here and it seems like people have nothing but great things to say about them. Add that to the fact that they have relatively small ported enclosure recommendations, and you have piqued my interest.

The old system was 2 12" Infinity Reference subs (sealed) with 300W on each in a Cavalier. Sounded like crap, but at least I had some bass. I have said goodbye to that car/setup almost a year ago now and I really need something in the new car.

I still have to measure the trunk to figure out how much space I want to give up. But I'm thinking along the lines of 3.2 ft^3, tuned to 32 Hz. I know I had measured and planned out 4 ft^3 box, tuned to 32 Hz for 2 12" SSDs, and that was too much space to give up. I know the 3.2 ft^3 box isn't much smaller, especially considering its more like 3.5 ft^3 when taking sub displacement into consideration.

I guess the question is will that box be all right for these subs? My main goal is output, but I don't want it to sound like complete crap either. I listen to mostly rap so SQ isn't really on the top of my list for priorities. I would go sealed but I know I would lose output. On the other hand, as long as I can get this setup louder than the last one, I think I'll be happy.

Can anyone recommend other subs that could possibly achieve my goal? I may be convinced to run sealed if I can get the results I want (read more output). I'd like to keep the budget around the same price range as the two RL-Ps. As far as power, I pretty much have my heart set on the SAZ-1500D.

Thanks in advance for the help. If I haven't provided enough information, let me know and I'll give you all the details.

PS - I know a lot of this is install dependent. Just looking for opinions based on your own experiences.

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Besides the two ported RL-Ps, I have been also considering:

1) 2 12" RL-Ps sealed

2) 2 12" SSDs sealed

3) 2 12" Qs sealed

4) 1 12" Q ported

5) 1 12" BL ported

Too many options. You guys gotta stop making so many good woofers - its making deciding too hard.

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It is a win win on the 1st 3 options in my eyes.

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Top 3 choices are all solid. I've heard 2 12" Q's sealed off a 1500D and it was pretty impressive, hit low and had solid output. I ran 2 15" RL-P's in small ported boxes and they sounded great. No experience with the SSD's.

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Real question is how much space do you have and how much power can you use?

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Real question is how much space do you have and how much power can you use?

Well as far as power goes I plan on getting the SAZ-1500D. So about 1500-1600W.

It's been a min since I measured the dimensions so I can't remember exactly. I do know a 4 ft^3 box was too big (it would fit, but leaves me with no trunk space. If I had to guess, I don't want to go over 3 cubes. That's why I was leaning towards the RL-Ps in 3 cubes @ 34 Hz. However, I was a little nervous that that tuning is a little high. Then again, I know nothing of ported boxes. Never built one.

I really should measure the trunk again, but these singel digit temps are keeping me inside for the time being.

So has anyone run the RL-Ps in 3 cubes @ 34 Hz? Does it sound OK? I'm guessing it will get loud, but were you happy at normal listening levels (then again my normal listening levels may completely differ from someone elses)? It's very difficult to ask questions because its all very subjective and completely dependent on how my car is going to interact with the equipment I put in it. But I'd still like to hear your opinions. Thanks guys.

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