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Ok, so far ive gotten a answer from excessive amperage for my saturn alt. The largest bolt on they can make me will be 200 amps. Will this 200 amp alt be enough for me daily pounding my KX2500.1? I need to know soon so i can go ahead and make a choice. How is excessive amperages quality? Thanks in advance!

Chris McDonald

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this is how i have always done it.

When playing music, take the amps rated power and divide by half and that is what you should be focusing on.

So, for example, let's say you wired our subs down to 1 ohm.

output at 1 ohm is 2500w \ 2 = 1250. Let's say 1500w for efficiency sake.

1500w divided by 13v = 115 A

115A draw off that alt should be fine. You will still have voltage dips due to length of wire, spontaneous power draw from quick bass notes but other than that no other problem.

One thing though is if you play constant bass, like test tones and the draw is greater than that, the power will be coming from the batt. If you were to constantly do long drawn out test tones or any other type of playback which would result in constant draw that is greater, the alt will eventually fail. This could take some time though.

Somethin that can help is a battery by your amp, maybe more than one.

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Got 2 oddysy 1500 amp batts 1 foot beside the amp... lol.

Stock Alty is 120 amp bosche

Big 3 + added ground from engine block to batt (0 guage where possible)

And when i cruise i got it bumping, absolutely no tones accept for setting gains although speakerboxxx intro is definately close to tones.

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sounds fine too me.

Basically, if you're bumpin with that while driving and your lights are still dimmin bad, then the alt isn't strong enough. More batts may eventually be a bad thing because if there are too many in there,who knows how long it would take the alt to charge em all plus run the stereo.

So, if that's the largest, then you should be fine. For your own good, check the voltage on the odysseys every once in a while with vehicle off to make sure they are gettin charged properly.

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my lights still dim bad at only 4 ohm load... my voltage stays just above 13 even on a stupid hard note. Anyone heard of excessive amperage tho? they good?

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Excessive Amperage, Iraggi, and Ohio Gen are companies I've heard good things about when it comes to alternators. you may want do the Big 3 if you haven't already...

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